
Exploratory Study of Possible Causes of Medical Students Failure in License Examination of Indonesian Doctors-Study Case in Faculty of Medicine University of Abulyatama.

Background. Good education is strongly needed in order to improve human resources in the field of medicine and health service in Indonesia. License examination (UK) plays a role as an instrument to asses medical students’ competence, however the number of Unaya’s students who pass the exam is still low. This research focused on exploring the possible causes of Unaya’s medical students failure in the license examination. This research can be used to improve the quality of the graduates.

Method.This is a qualitative research using case study design. A series of focus group discussions (FGDs) to the students who passed and failed in the license examination and in depth interviews to the stakeholders, preclinical and clinical teachers were completed.

Result. Five FGDs involving 13 students who passed and 12 students who failed the license examination, were conducted. Three in depth interviews to the stakeholders

and 6 in depth interviews to the medical teachers were also completed. Following a thematic analysis, the results are 1. Potential factors from the education process that may influence outcomes of license examination: academic factors (adult learner, content, teaching and learning, resources, and student evaluation) and non academic factor (motivation). 2. Potential factors that may influence during the examination, are: academic factors (learning method, knowledge, MCQ format) and non-academic factors (internal: adult learner characteristic, motivation, concentration, health; and external: assessment method, learning environtment).

Conclusion.Educational process and test preparation have important roles in the competency test result. Despite some obstacles in educational process in FK Unaya, there were still a few students who could pass the exam which might be due to their adult learner characteristics and self motivations.
Keyword.academic process, failing score in UK, License examination

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Syarifah Nora Andriaty - Nama Orang
Retno Asti Werdhani - Nama Orang
Ardi Findyartini - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
T 15 367 FK
Jakarta : S2 Program Megister Pendidikan Kedokteran.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xiii, 142 hlm.; 20 x 29 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
T15367FKT15367FKPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Exploratory Study of Possible Causes of Medical Students Failure in License Examination of Indonesian Doctors-Study Case in Faculty of Medicine University of Abulyatama.

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