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Performa Identification of Seniors At Risk dan Triage Risk Screening Tool dalam penapisan frailty pada pasien usia lanjut di IGD
2019 | BY Riska Amalia Ambarwati - Aulia Rizka - Arif Mansjoer - Sukamto Koesnoe
  • Performance of ISAR Tool and The TRST for Frail Elderly Emergency Room Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T19616fk


Pengaruh Status Frailty terhadap Komplikasi Pascabedah Elektif pada Pasien Usia Lanjut
2018 | BY Popy Yusnidar - Noto Dwimartutie - Susilo Chandra - Kuntjoro Harimurti
  • The Impact of Frailty on 30-day complications after elective surgery in the elderly patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T18422fk


Uji Diagnostik Sistem Skor Sindrom Frailty Berdasarkan Cardiovascular Health Study, Study of Osteoporotic Fracture, dan Indeks Frailty berbasis Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Dibandingkan dengan Indeks Frailty 40 item pada Pasien Usia Lanjut
2014 | BY Euphemia Seto - Siti Setiati - Purwita Wijaya Laksmi
  • Diagnostic test of Cardiovascular Health Study(CHS), Study of Osteoporotic Fracture (SOF) and Fraily Index-Comprehensive Geriatric Assesment (FI-CGA) Scoring System for the Diagnosis of Frailty Syndrome Compared with Frailty Index 40 (FI-40) items in Elderly Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T14055fk


Hubungan Metformin dan Sindrom Frailty pada Orang Usia Lanjut dengan Diabetes Mellitus tipe 2
2014 | BY Stevent Sumantri - Siti Setiati - Dyah Purnamsari Suliastiningsih - Esthika Dewiasty
  • The Relationship of Metformin and Frailty Syndrome in Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
  • Nomor Panggil T14054fk


Pengaruh Penggunaan Proton Pump Inhibitor Jangka Panjang Terhadap Sindrom Frailty pada Pasien Usia Lanjut
2015 | BY Ari Fahrial Syam - Esthika Dewiasty - Purwita Wijaya Laksmi - Stephanie Dewi
  • The effect of Long term Use of Proton Pump Inhibitor as a Risk Factor for Frailty Syndrome among Geriatric patients
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 025 FK


Hubungan Status Frailty dengan Serokonversi dan Seroproteksi Vaksin Influenza pada Populasi Usia Lanjut
2016 | BY Ummu Habibah - Sukamto Koesnoe - Edy Rizal Wahyudi
  • The Relationship between Frailty Status and Seroconversion and Seroprotection of Influenza Vaccine in Elderly Population.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 382 FK


Uji Kesahihan dan Keandalan Sistem Skor The Study of Osteoporotic Fracture (SOF) untuk Menilai Status Frailty oleh Kader pada Usia Lanjut di Komunitas
2018 | BY Purwita Wijaya Laksmi - Shanti Pricillia Makagiansar - Arya Govinda - Ikhwan Rinaldi
  • Validity and Reliability of the Indonesian Version of The Study of Osteporotic Fracture (SOF) used by Cadres in Assessing Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults.
  • Nomor Panggil T18039fk


Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Sindrom Frailty pada Kelompok Perempuan Lanjut Usia dengan Status Sosial Ekonomi Rendah di Komunitas Perkotaan
2018 | BY Rensa - Siti Setiati - Purwita Wijaya Laksmi - Ikhwan Rinaldi
  • Factors Associated with Frailty in Elderly Women Groups with Low Socioeconomic Status in Urban Community.
  • Nomor Panggil T18016fk


Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Penurunan Global Longitudinal Strain Pada Pasien Usia Lanjut
2019 | BY Mohamad Syahrir Azizi - Siti Setiati - Sally Aman Nasution - Hamzah Shatri
  • Global Longitudinal Scale (GLS) in Elderly ; and Its Associated Factors.
  • Nomor Panggil T19152fk