Hasil Pencarian

✨ 11 results found - Searched 21160 records in 4ms.


Surgical Management of Childhood Glaucoma : Clinical Considerations and Techniques
2018 | BY Grajewski, Alana L. - Elena Bitrian - Maria Papadopoulos
  • Nomor Panggil WW 290 G743 2018


Benign Anorectal Disorders : a guide to diagnosis and management / edited by Nisar Ahmad Chowdri, Fazl Q. Parray
2016 | BY Chowdri, Nisar Ahmad - Fazl Q. Parray
  • Nomor Panggil WI 600 C5529 2016


Pemberian Antibiotik Intravena 24 Jam Dengan 72 Jam Pada Fraktur Terbuka Tulang Panjang: Studi Multicenter
2023 | BY Chintya Mutiara Sari - Wildan Latief - Patar Parmonangan Oppusunggu
  • Intravenous Antibiotics 24 Vs 72 Hours for the Management of Open Fracture of Long Bones: A Multicenter Study.
  • Nomor Panggil T23510fk


Hubungan Antara Jenis Pembedahan Dan Kepatuhan Penggunaan Panduan Praktik Klinis Terhadap Kendali Mutu Dan Kendali Biaya Pelayanan Pembedahan Endometriosis Di RSUPN Dokter Cipto Mangunkusomo Dalam Era Bpjs Pada Tahun 2016
2019 | BY Yohanes Alda - R. Muharam Natadisastra - Alfa Putri Meutia
  • The correlation between mode of surgery, adherence to clinical pathway with quality and cost control of surgical endometriosis management in RSUPN CM in the era of universal.
  • Nomor Panggil T19414fk


Tata Laksana Nutrisi Perioperatif pada Pasien Kanker Periampular dengan Sindrom Kaheksia
2014 | BY Eva Maria Christine - Sukmaniah
  • Perioperative Nutritional Management in Periampullary Cancer Patient with Cahexia Syndrome.
  • Nomor Panggil T14026fk


Atlas of Implant Dentistry and Tooth-Preserving Surgery : prevention and management of complications
2017 | BY Zoran Stajčić
  • Nomor Panggil WU 600.7 ST782 2017


Advanced trauma operative management / editor, Lenworth M. Jacobs., ...[et al.]
2004 | BY Jacobs, Lenworth M. - Gross, Ronald I. - Luk, Stephen S.
  • Nomor Panggil WO 700 A2442 2004


Operative trauma management : an atlas, 2nd ed. / edited by Erwin R. Thal, John A. Weigelt, C. James Carrico
2002 | BY Thal, Erwin R. - Weigelt, John A. - Carrico, C. J.,
  • Nomor Panggil WO 517 O615 2002


Gastrointestinal surgery : pathophysiology and management / Haile T. Debas ; illustrations by Christine Gralapp.
2004 | BY Debas, Haile T. - Christine Gralapp.
  • Nomor Panggil WI 900 D286g 2004


Efektivitas Penambahan Blok Transversus Thoracis Muscle Plane Bilateral pada Anestesia Bedah Jantung Terbuka: Kajian terhadap Konsumsi dan Waktu Pertama Pemberian Morfin Pascabedah, Waktu Ekstubasi, Konsentrasi IL-6 dan Kortisol Plasma Perioperatif
2021 | BY A.A. Gde Putra Semara Jaya
  • Effectiveness of the Addition of Bilateral Transversus Thoracis Muscle Plane Block in Anesthesia for Open-Heart Surgery: A Study of Postoperative Morphine Consumption and First-Dose Time, Extubation Time, Perioperative Plasma Concentration of IL-6 and Cortisol.
  • Nomor Panggil T21358fk