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Perbedaan antara Parameter Klinis dan Laboratorium saat Persalinan dan 6 Minggu Pasca Salin pada Preeklamsia Komplikasi dan Preeklamsia Tanpa Komplikasi
2018 | BY Andri - Noroyono Wibowo - Rima Irwinda- The Differences of Clinical and Laboratory Parameters among Complicated and Uncomplicated Preeclamptic Patients during and 6-week Post Delivery
- Nomor Panggil T18494fk
Hubungan Proteinuria Yang Diukur Dengan Rasio Protein Kreatinin Urin Terhadap Nilai Flow Mediated Dilation Arteri Brakialis Sebelum & Sesudah Melahirkan Pada Preeklampsia
2015 | BY Faisal Habib - Ismoyo Sunu - Jetty Sedyawan - Hadi Sjarbaini- Correlation between Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio and Flow Mediated Dilation of Brachial Artery Before and After Delivery As a Marker of Endothelial Dysfunction in Preeclampsia.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 479 FK
Hubungan Fungsi Intrinsik Ventrikel Kiri Pasien Preeklampsia Sebelum dan Setelah Melahirkan dengan Rasio Protein- Kreatinin Urin
2015 | BY Fahmi - Jetty Sedyawan - Gatot Abdurazzam- Association between Left Ventricle Intrinsic Function and Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio in Preeclampsia Before and After Delivery.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 471 FK