Hasil Pencarian

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Impacts of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Gene Knockout on Oct4 and Sox2 Protein Expression in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells
2022 | BY Electra Amara Florence - Septelia Inawati Wanandi
  • Dampak Knockout Gen Manganese Superoxide Dismutase pada Ekspresi Protein Oct4 dan Sox2 pada Sel Kanker Payudara Triple Negatif.
  • Nomor Panggil S22193fk


The Expression of Oct-4 Transcription Factor in Adipocytederived and Umbilical Cord-derived Stem Cell Fraction
2018 | BY Daniel Martin Simadibrata - Septelia Inawari Wanandi
  • Ekspresi Faktor Transkripsi Oct-4 pada Fraksi Sel Punca Adipocyte-derived dan Umbilical Cord-derived.
  • Nomor Panggil S18160fk


Investigating Levels of KLF4 Expression in Normoxic and Hypoxic CD24 - /CD44 + Breast Cancer Stem Cells
2016 | BY Ahmad Baihaki Ramadhan - Septelia Inawati Wanandi
  • Nomor Panggil S16212fk


The Expression of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 2α Gene from Human Umbilical Cord Tissue and Fat Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
2017 | BY Sharon Hanmy Angel - Septelia Inawati Wanandi
  • Penentuan tingkat ekspresi gen Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 2α di sel punca dari jaringan tali pusar dan jaringan adiposit.
  • Nomor Panggil S17198fk


Histological Analysis of Oct4 + Cells in the Post Circumcised Preputial Skin Indicating The Presence of Pluripotent Cell
2015 | BY Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto - Mariska Anindhita
  • Analisis Histologi Sel Oct4 + Pada Kulit Prepusium Paska Sirkumsisi Sebagai Indikasi Keberadaan Sel Pluripoten.
  • Nomor Panggil S15356FK


Determination of the pluripotency level of breast cancer stem cell fractions seperated by magnetically coated antihuman CD24 and CD44 antibody through KLF4 gene expression
2015 | BY Alvin Lakmudin - Septelia Inawati Wanandi
  • Penentuan tingkat pluripotensi dari fraksi sel induk kanker payudara yang telah diseparasi menggunakan antibodi antihuman CD24 dan CD44 yang telah dilapisi menggunakan magnet melalui ekspresi gen KLF4.
  • Nomor Panggil S15338FK


Pluripotency level identification of breast cancer cell fractions separated by Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting through the analysis of cMyc gene expression
2015 | BY Astrid Indrafebrina Sugianto - Septelia Inawati Wanandi
  • Identifikasi Tingkat Pluripotensi dari Fraksi Sel Punca Kanker Payudara yang Telah Dipisahkan dengan Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) Dilihat dari Ekspresi Gen C-Myc.
  • Nomor Panggil S15336FK


Culture of Oct-4 Positive Cells from Preputial Epidermis
2015 | BY Jaspal Singh - Radiana Antarianto
  • Kultur Oct-4 Positif Sel dari Epidermis Prepusium.
  • Nomor Panggil S15332FK