Hasil Pencarian

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Kadar anti Mullerian Hormone dalam Serum dan Cairan Folikel sebagai Peramal Kuantitas dan Kualitas Oosit
2014 | BY UPIK ANGGRAHENI - Budi Wiweko
  • Levels of Anti-Mullerian Hormone in Serum and Follicular Fluid to Predict Oocyte Quantity and Quality
  • Nomor Panggil T14110fk


Dampak Penggunaan Aplikasi Indonesian Kalkulator Of Oocyte (IKO) terhadap Pemilihan Teknologi Reproduksi
2019 | BY Leonita Triwachyuni Agustina Sutrisna - Budi Wiweko
  • The Effect of Indonesian Kalkulator of Oocyte (IKO) Application on the Choice of Reproductive Technology.
  • Nomor Panggil T19626fk


Hubungan Kadar Serum hCG 12 jam Pascapenyuntikan terhadap tingkat Maturitas Oosit pada Fertilisasi in Vitro
2021 | BY Budi Wiweko - Mila Maidarti - Achmad Kemal Harzif - Ervan Surya
  • Relationship Between 12 Hours Post-injection hCG Serum and Oocyte Maturation Rate on In Vitro Fertilization.
  • Nomor Panggil T21408fk


Korelasi Kadar AMH Serum Terhadap Jumlah dan Kualitas Oosit
2021 | BY Budi Wiweko - Mila Maidarti - Achmad Kemal Harzif - Cherysa Rifiranda
  • Correlation of Serum AMH Level to Oocyte Quality and Quantity.
  • Nomor Panggil T21269fk