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Efektivitas penyuluhan terhadap pengetahuan mengenai morfologi dan siklus hidup A. Lumbricoides pada guru SD di Jakarta tahun 2011.
2012 | BY Leonita Ariesti Putri - Saleha Sungkar
  • The effectiveness of health promotion towards the knowledge about morphology and life cycle of A. lumbricoides on elementary school teachers in Jakarta year 2011.
  • Nomor Panggil S12091fk


The knowledge of soil-transmitted helminths morphology and life cycle in pre-post study analysis to madrasah aliyah students in Pacet, Cianjur.
2012 | BY Faza Yuspa Liosha - Saleha Sungkar
  • Pengetahuan tentang morfologi dan siklus hidup soil-transmitted helminths dalam analisis pre-post study kepada murid madrasah aliyah di Pacet, Cianjur.
  • Nomor Panggil S12090fk


Efektivitas penyuluhan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan tentang morfologi dan siklus hidup A. lumbricoides pada murid SD X Bantar Gebang
2013 | BY Alia Nessa Utami - Saleha Sungkar
  • The effectiveness of helath education about morphology and life cycle os ascaris lumbricoides to students of elementary school X, Bantar Gebang.
  • Nomor Panggil S13021fk