Hasil Pencarian

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Rasio Neutrofil-Limfosit sebagai Prediktor Mortalitas 28 Hari pada Pasien Sepsis
2018 | BY Irene Purnamawati - Lie Khie Chen - Ikhwan Rinaldi - Sukamto Koesnoe
  • Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictor of 28-Day-Mortality in Septic Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T18401fk


Sel Limfosit CD56+ pada Hati Pasien Ko-infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) dan Virus Hepatitis C yang Menerima Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART)
2014 | BY Yosephine Gracia Susufi - Ening Krisnuhoni - Rino A Gani
  • CD56+ lymphocytes in the liver of HIV/hepatitis C virus coinfected patients commencing ART.
  • Nomor Panggil T14508fk


Hubungan Ekspresi PD-L1 Intratumoral Dengan Jumlah Limfosit dan Rasio Neutrofil-Limfosit pada Kanker Serviks Stadium Lanjut Lokal Pra dan Pasca Radiasi
2019 | BY Ade Margaretha L. T - Sri Mutya Sekarutami - Soehartati A. Gondhowiardjo - Gatot Purwoto - Primariadewi Rustamadji
  • Correlation between Pre and Post EBRT Expression of Intratumoral PD-L1 and IntraLymphocyte Count and Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Blood Ratio in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer .
  • Nomor Panggil T19586fk