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Kadar Interleukin 17 Serum pada Kolitis Ulseratif dan Penyakit Crohn: Penyandang Inflammatory Bowel Disease Indonesia
2024 | BY Muhammad Faisal Prananda - Murdani Abdullah - Sukamto Koesnoe
  • Serum Interleukin 17 Level in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients in Indonesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T24232fk


Pengaruh Terapi Musik terhadap Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio, Kadar Interleukin 6 dan Interleukin 10 Tenaga Kesehatan dengan Burnout Syndrome
2023 | BY Yovita Mulyakusuma - Sukamto Koesnoe - Hamzah Shatri - Alvina Widhani
  • The Effect of Music Therapy on Neutrophil Lymphocytes Raio, Interleukin 6 and Interleukin 10 Levels of Healthcare Workers with Burnout Syndrome.
  • Nomor Panggil T23343fk


Analisis Kadar Prostaglandin, Interleukin dan rasio Limfosit Monosit pada Aspirasi Cairan Simple Bone Cyst yang di Terapi dengan Injeksi Steroid
2019 | BY Achmad Fauzi Kamal - Eko Setiawan - Alida Roswita Harahap
  • Prostaglandin, Interleukin Level and Limfosit Monosit Ratio in Bone Cyst Fluid Treated by Steroid Injection.
  • Nomor Panggil T19557fk


Korelasi Kadar Serum Interleukin 17 (IL-17) dengan Penghambat Jalur Wnt/beta Catenin Pada Proses Turnover Tulang Perempuan Premenopause dengan Artritis Reumatoid
2019 | BY Anna Ariane - Bambang Setyohadi - SUMARIYONO - Hamzah Shatri
  • Correlation of Serum Interleukin 17 (IL-17) Levels with Wnt / beta Catenin Signalling In Bone Bone Turnover Process of Premenopausal Woman With Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • Nomor Panggil T19290fk


Efek Bioresonansi Terhadap Prediktor Alergi Interleukin 4 Interleukin 10 dan Interleukin 13 Pada Kultur Darah Lengkap Subjek Alergi Tungau
2018 | BY Linda Widyati Rahadian - Heri Wibowo - Suhariningsih
  • Study of Bioresonance effects against allergy predictors Interleukin 4, interleukin 10 and interleukin 13 In whole blood culture in mite allergy subjects.
  • Nomor Panggil T18327fk


Perubahan Kualitas Hidup, Jumlah Eosinofil Mukosa Hidung dan Kadar Interleukin 5 (IL 5) Serum pada Pasien Rinitis Alergi Persisten Sedang Berat Sebelum dan Setelah Terapi Medikamentosa
2014 | BY Arinda Putri Pitarini
  • Changes in Quality of Life, Eosinophil Number of Nasal Mucosa and Interleukin 5 (IL 5) Level in Moderate-Severe Allergic Rhinitis Patient Before and After Medicamentosa Therapy.
  • Nomor Panggil T14474fk


Peran Interleukin 6 dalam Menentukan Keluaran Modified Rankin Scale pada Sirkulasi Parsial Anterior Stroke Iskemik Akut
2014 | BY Al Rasyid - WINDA KUSUMANINGRUM - Salim Harris - Joedo Prihartono
  • The Role of Interleukin 6 in Determining the Modified Rankin Scale Outcome on Partial Anterior Circulation Acute Ischemic Stroke
  • Nomor Panggil T14217fk


Korelasi Kadar Interleukin 6 dan Panjang Interval QTc Pada Pasien COVID-19 yang Menjalani Rawat Inap
2021 | BY Adityo Susilo - Arif Mansjoer - Muhammad Yamin - Alvira Rozalina
  • Correlation of Interleukin 6 Levels and the Length of the QTc Interval in Inpatient COVID-19 Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T21282fk


Efek Terapi Kombinasi Laserpunktur dan Medikamentosa Terhadap kadar IL10 dan Kecepatan Hantaran Saraf pada Penderita Neuropati Diabetika
2016 | BY Suharko Soebardi - Rinesia Dwiputri - Manfaluthy Hakim - Adiningsih Srilestari - Hasan Mihardja
  • The Effect of Combination Therapy of Laserpuncture and medication on levels of Interleukin 10 and nerve conduction study in Patients with diabetic neuropathy.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 384 FK


Sekresi Interleukin 13, Interleukin 10, Interferon γ, dan Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase dari Kultur Sel Mononuklear Darah Tepi Pasien Asma Alergi yang Dipajan Alergen Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus
2019 | BY Heri Wibowo - Cityta Putri Kwarta - Yordan Khaedir
  • Secretion of Interleukin 13, Interleukin 10, Interferon γ, and Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Culture of Allergy Asthma Patients Exposured by Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus Allergen.
  • Nomor Panggil T19045fk