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Akurasi diagnostik skor Aspartate Aminotransferase to Platelet Ratio Index, Fibrosis Index Based on The 4 Factors dan Transient Elastography untuk mendeteksi fibrosis hati pada hepatitis C kronik
2015 | BY Rini Rachmawarni Bachtiar - Rino Alvani Gani - Hamzah Shatri - Marchellus Simadibrata
  • Diagnostic accuracy of Aspartate Aminotransferase to Platelet Ratio Index Score, Fibrosis Index Based on The 4 Factors and Transient Elastography for liver fibrosis detection in chronic hepatitis C.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 125 FK


Akurasi Diagnostik Pemeriksaan Fisik dibandingkan dengan USG Paru untuk Menentukan Kongesti Paru pada Pasien Hemodialisis Kronik yang Telah Mencapai Berat Badan Kering
2016 | BY KUSPUJI Dwitanto - Ginova Nainggolan - Dharmeizar
  • The diagnostic accuracy of physical examination compared to lung ultrasound for determine lung congestion in hemodialysis patients reaching their dry weight.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 335 FK