Hasil Pencarian

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Dampak pengurangan leukosit dan penggunaan additive solution terhadap kadar glukosa, pH dan hemolisis padapacked red cell selama penyimpanan.
2018 | BY NI KEN RITCHIE - Anna Kartika Yuli Astuti - Sri Widia A. Jusman
  • The impact of leukodepletion and additive solutions on glucose levels, pH and hemolysis of packed red cell during storage.
  • Nomor Panggil T18513fk


Pengaruh transportasi tabung pneumatik terhadap jumlah sel darah, LDH, kalium, dan indeks hemolisis
2016 | BY Yusuf Bahasoan - Fify Henrika - Riadi Wirawan
  • Effect of pneumatic tube transportation on blood cell count, LDH, kalium, and hemolysis index.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 066 FK


Potensi Hemolisis, dan keunggulan penggunaan komponen darah PRC washed erythrocyte dan leukodepleted PRC (In-line) dalam transfusi klinis
2014 | BY Teuku Ilhami Surya Akbar - Abdul Salam - Ria Syafitri Evi Gantini
  • The Potential of Hemolysis and the Advantage of Washed Erythrocyte and Leukodepleted PRC (In-line) Blood Components in Blood Transfusion Practice.
  • Nomor Panggil T14519fk