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Uji Sitotoksisitas In Vitro Ekstrak Etanol dan Etil Asetat Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) Sebagai Inhibitor Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker Serviks HeLa
2019 | BY Muhamad Rizqy Fadhillah - Surya Dwira
  • In Vitro Cytotoxicity Test of Ethanol and Ethyl Acetate Extract of Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) as a Growth Inhibitor HeLa Cervical Cancer Cell Line.
  • Nomor Panggil S19008fk


Perbandingan Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Etil Asetat dengan Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Kunyit Putih (Kaempferia rotunda) terhadap Aktivitas Sel Kanker Serviks HeLa Secara in vitro
2018 | BY Ariska Triantama Putra - Surya Dwira
  • Comparison between Cytotoxicity Between Ethyl Acetate and Ethanol Extract of White Turmeric (Kaempferia rotunda) rhizome extract Against HeLa Cervical Cancer Cell Activity in vitro.
  • Nomor Panggil S18137fk


Uji Fitokimia dan Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak N-Heksana, Etil Asetat, dan Etanol Teripang (Holothuria scabra) terhadap Sel Kanker Serviks HeLa
2021 | BY Hanan Talida
  • Phytochemical Test and Cytotoxicity of N-Hexane, Ethyl Acetate, and Ethanol Extracts of Holothuria scabra against HeLa Cervical Cancer Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S21058fk