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Hubungan antara Jenis Anestesia, Jenis Operasi, dan Durasi Operasi terhadap Hipotermia Pascabedah pada Pasien Geriatri
2019 | BY Febrina Alivia Wantania - Aida Rosita Tantri
  • The Relationship between Types of Anesthesia, Types of Surgery, and Duration of Surgery with Post-surgery Hypothermia in Geriatric Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S19059fk


Kejadian Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome pada Anak Pasca Bedah Jantung Terbuka dan Hubungannya dengan Durasi Penggunaan Mesin Pintas Jantung Paru
2015 | BY Nico Iswanto Pantoro - Aldy Heriwardito
  • Incidence of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome on Children Undergoing Open Heart Surgery and Its Association with the Duration of Cardiopulmonary Bypass.
  • Nomor Panggil S15167FK


Durasi Operasi sebagai Prediktor Komplikasi Paru Pasca Operasi Non Kardiak di RSCM
2018 | BY Subhan Rumoning - Murdani Abdullah - Aries Perdana - Anna Uyainah
  • Duration of Surgery as a Predictor of Post-operative Pulmonary Complications in Non-cardiac Surgeries at RSCM .
  • Nomor Panggil T18070fk