Hasil Pencarian

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Faktor Risiko Kandidemia pada Pasien Sepsis Non Neutropenia
2016 | BY Resultanti - KHIE CHEN - Retno Wahyuningsih - Pringgodigdo Nugroho
  • Risk Factors for Candidemia in Non-neutropenic Sepsis Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 040 FK


Pengaruh Penggunaan Proton Pump Inhibitor Jangka Panjang Terhadap Sindrom Frailty pada Pasien Usia Lanjut
2015 | BY Ari Fahrial Syam - Esthika Dewiasty - Purwita Wijaya Laksmi - Stephanie Dewi
  • The effect of Long term Use of Proton Pump Inhibitor as a Risk Factor for Frailty Syndrome among Geriatric patients
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 025 FK