Hasil Pencarian

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Pengaruh Pemberian Asam Traneksamat Topikal terhadap Volume Perdarahan dan Kebutuhan Transfusi Darah Pascabedah Pintas Arteri Koroner Off-Pump
2023 | BY Bastian Parningotan Simorangkir - Dudy Arman Hanafy - Sugisman
  • The Effect of Topical Tranexamic Acid on Postoperative Bleeding Volume and Blood Transfusion after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T23158fk


Efek Aplikasi Asam Traneksamat Topikal terhadap Perdarahan dan Kebutuhan Transfusi Darah Pascaoperasi Katup Jantung
2023 | BY Putu Lokita Putra Pradnyana - Dudy Arman Hanafy - Sugisman
  • Topical Effect of Tranexamic Acid Application in Postoperative Bleeding and Blood Products Transfusion after Heart Valve Surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T23063fk


Infeksi Hepatitis C Terkait Transfusi Komponen Darah pada Hemofilia dan Von Willebrand Anak Sebelum dan Sesudah Penerapan Nucleic Acid Testing untuk Skrining Darah Donor
2019 | BY Hanifah Oswari - Melati Arum Satiti - Novie Amelia C
  • Hepatitis C Infection Related to Blood Transfusion in Children with Hemofilia and Von Willebrand Before and After the Implementation of Nucleic Acid Testing as the Method of Blood Donor Screening.
  • Nomor Panggil T19465fk


Analisis fragilitas eritrosit dan kadar kalium pada produk sel darah merah pekat paska radiasi dengan berbagai dosis radiasi
2014 | BY David Hasudungan Sidabutar - Yuyun SM Soedarmono - Agus Kosasih
  • Analysis of erythrocyte fragility and potassium levels in red blood cells concentrated product after irradiation with various doses of irradiation
  • Nomor Panggil T14567fk


Potensi Hemolisis, dan keunggulan penggunaan komponen darah PRC washed erythrocyte dan leukodepleted PRC (In-line) dalam transfusi klinis
2014 | BY Teuku Ilhami Surya Akbar - Abdul Salam - Ria Syafitri Evi Gantini
  • The Potential of Hemolysis and the Advantage of Washed Erythrocyte and Leukodepleted PRC (In-line) Blood Components in Blood Transfusion Practice.
  • Nomor Panggil T14519fk


Variabel-Variabel Reoperatif Sebagai Prediktor Kehilangan Darah Dan Kebutuhan Transfusi Pada Pasien Spondilitis Tuberkulosis Torakal Dan / Atau Lumbal Yang Menjalani Dekompresi Dan Instrumentasi Posterior
2021 | BY Dody Kurniawan - Singkat Dohar Apul Lumban Tobing
  • Preoperative Variables As Predictors Of Blood Loss And The Need For Transfusion In Patients With Thoracal And / Or Lumbal Tuberculosis Spondylitis With Posterior Decompression And Instrumentation.
  • Nomor Panggil T21362fk


Perbandingan Penggunaan Transfusi Darah Autolog dengan Transfusi Darah Homolog pada Operasi Tulang Belakang
2001 | BY HAMDAN - TOBING., Dohar A.L - Subroto Sapardan
  • Nomor Panggil T01033fk