Hasil Pencarian

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A practical guide to mechanical ventilation
2011 | BY Truwit, Jonathon D. - Epstein, Scott K.
  • Nomor Panggil WF 145 T874 2011


Pengaruh Kadar Hemoglobin Terhadap Keberhasilan Proses Penyapihan dan Ektubasi pada Pasien Kritis dengan Ventilasi Mekanik : Sebuah Telaah Sistematis
2022 | BY Slamet Agus Waluyo Jati - Yohannes WH. George - Dita Aditianingsih
  • Effect of Hemoglobin Levels on The Success of Weaning and Extubation Processes in Critical Patients with Mechanical Ventilation: A Systematic Review.
  • Nomor Panggil T22476fk


Prevalens dan Prediktor Keberhasilan Ekstubasi pada Bayi di NICU RSCM
2015 | BY SURAIYAH - RISMA KERINA KABAN - Rinawati Rohsiswatmo
  • Prevalence and Predictors of successful extubation in infants at NICU Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 288 FK


Pengaruh keseimbangan cairan kumulatif, tekanan intraabdominal, ekskursi diafragma dan rasio netrofil limfosit terhadap kemudahan penyapihan dari ventilasi mekanis pasien sakit kritis
2021 | BY Anung Darmawan - Jacub Pandelaki - Andi Ade Wijaya - Indro Mulyono
  • Influence of cumulative fluid balance, intraabdominal pressure, diaphragm excursion and neutrophil lymphocyte ratio on easiness weaning from mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T21395fk


Ketepatan Parameter Fraksi Penebalan Diafragma, Nilai CRP, Jumlah Balans Kumulatif Dan Nilai Rapid Shallow Breathing Index Dalam Memprediksi Kemudahan Penyapihan Ventilasi Mekanik Pada Pasien Kritis Di ICU
2021 | BY Rudy Nugroho - Jacub Pandelaki - Yohanes WH George - Indro Mulyono
  • The Accuracy of Diaphragm Thickening Fraction, CRP, Cumulative fluid balance and Rapid Shallow Breathing Index in predicting the ease of weaning mechanical ventilation in critical patients in the ICU.
  • Nomor Panggil T21379fk


Non-Invasive Ventilation and Weaning: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition
2019 | BY Mark W. Elliott - Stefano Nava - Bernd Schönhofer
  • Nomor Panggil WF 145 M345 2019