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Pengambangan vaksin DNA tetravalen Dengue Berbasis Gen prM-E DENV isolat Indonesia: Uji Imunogenesitas vaksin dalam menginduksi antibodi netralisasi dan respon anamnestik untuk semua serotipe DENV.
2015 | BY Dwi Hilda Putri - Pratiwi P. Sudarmono - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro - Hak Hotta- Tetravalent DNA vaccine development based on prM-E gene DENV Indonesia strain: Immunogenecity of the candidate DNA vaccine to induce neutralization antibody and anamnestic immune response in mice.
- Nomor Panggil D15005fk
Pengembangan vaksin terapeutik: Analisis respons antibodi anti E267 pada mencit BALB/c diimunisasi antigen fusi CPP-E267 HPV16 rekombinan
2023 | BY Mardhah Sastri Utami - Budiman Bela - Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas- Therapeutic vaccine development: Analysis of anti-E267 antibody in BALB/c mice immunized with recombinat CPP-E267 HPV16 fusion antigen.
- Nomor Panggil T23232fk
Pengembangan Vaksin DNA Influenza A H5N1: Respon Antibodi Spesifik Hemaglutinin Mencit BALB/c terhadap Vaksin DNA Pengekspresi Antigen Fusi Hemaglutinin-CD40L
2014 | BY Heri Wibowo - Gema Puspa Sari - Budiman Bela- Nomor Panggil T14376fk
Pengaruh komposisi dan cara pemberian vaksin dna hemaglutinin dan neuraminidase virus influenza A H1N1 terhadap respon antibodi spesifik mencit BALB/C
2012 | BY Mohamad Rahmat - Budiman Bela - Heri Wibowo- Effect of the composition and administration methode of dna vaccine hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of the H1N1 influenza A virus to specific antibody response of Balb/C mice.
- Nomor Panggil T12397fk
Respons antibodi mencit BALB/C terhadap kombinasi vaksin DNA dan protein subunit HA influenza A H5N1.
2012 | BY Nada Fithria - Budiman Bela - Heri Wibowo- Nomor Panggil T12164fk
Metode Inaktivasi Virus dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Respon Imun Humoral Mencit sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Vaksin Dengue
2022 | BY Khansa Humaira - Beti Ernawati Dewi - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro- Dengue virus inactivation methods and their effect to humoral immune response in mice as the basis for vaccine development.
- Nomor Panggil T22498fk