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Hubungan Derajat Inkontinensia Urin Yang Tidak Terdiagnosis Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Perempuan Di Lingkungan Fkui/Rscm.
2023 | BY William Adiputra - Fernandi Moegni
  • The Relationship between Severity of Undiagnosed Urinary Incontinence and Quality of Life of Women in the FKUI/RSCM.
  • Nomor Panggil T23536fk


Gambaran Perbaikan Gejala Subjektif dan Objektif, Kekuatan Otot Dasar Panggul dan Kualitas Hidup Wanita Penderita Inkontinensia Urin Tekanan yang Menjalani Latihan Kegel Kegel 4, 8, Dan 12 Minggu
2019 | BY Joedo Prihartono - David Tambunan - Ira Mistivani - Surahman Hakim
  • “A descriptive study of improvement subjective and objective symptoms, pelvic floor muscle strength, and quality of life among women with stress urinary incontinence who performed kegel exercise 4, 8, and 12 weeks.”
  • Nomor Panggil T19477fk


Hubungan Antara Kekuatan Otot dan Ketebalan Otot Levator Ani dengan Kejadian Inkontinensia Urin Jenis Tekanan
2019 | BY Joedo Prihartono - Asih Anggraeni - Surahman Hakim
  • Relationship between pelvic floor muscle strength and muscle thickness of Levator Ani with stress urinary incontinence.
  • Nomor Panggil T19466fk


Hubungan antara Profil Pergerakan Leher Kandung Kemih (bladder neck descent, retrovesical angle, rotational urethra) dan prolaps kompartemen anterior vagina (Titik Aa dan Ba) dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin jenis tekanan pada pasien dengan prolaps organ panggul di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta
2019 | BY Andi Rinaldi - Budi Iman Santoso - Joedo Prihartono
  • Correlation of Bladder Neck Mobility Profile (Bladder Neck Descent, Retro Vesical Angle, Rotational Urethra, Funneling) and Anterior Compartment Vaginal Prolapse (point Aa and Ba POP-Q) with Stress Urinary Incontinence in with Pelvic Organ Prolapse at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil T19202fk


Hubungan kekuatan otot dasar panggul dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin tekanan pada kehamilan trimester tiga akhir dan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh
2018 | BY Astrid Yunita - Tyas Priyatini - Joedo Prihartono
  • Relationship between pelvic floor muscle strength and stress urinary incontinence in late third trimester of pregnancy and its associated factors.
  • Nomor Panggil T18185fk


Tingkat Kesesuaian Dan Penerimaan Subjek Terhadap Uji Pembalut 20 Menit Dibandingkan 60 Menit Sebagai Metode Pengukuran Derajat Keparahan Inkontinensia Urin Tipe Tekanan
2018 | BY Kadek Fajar Marta - Joedo Prihartono - Fernandi Moegni
  • Level of agreement and Acceptance of 20 Minute versus 60 Minutes Sanitary Pad Test as a Method of Measuring Severity Degree of Stress Urinary Incontinence.
  • Nomor Panggil T18176fk


Perbandingan Mobilitas Leher Kandung Kemih Penderita Inkontinensia Urin Jenis Stres Dan Kontinensia Melalui Pencitraan Ultrasonografi
2015 | BY JUNIZAF - Riry Meria - Fernandi Moegni
  • Comparison of Bladder Neck Mobility on Stress Urinary Incontinence and Continence Using Ultrasound Imaging.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 357 FK


Prevalensi, karakteristik dan Faktor Risiko Terkait Pada Pasien Inkontinensia Urin Dalam Poliklinik Ginekologi Menggunakan Kuesioner Untuk Diagnosis Inkontinensia Urin (QUID) Versi Bahasa Indonesia
2017 | BY Imam Ahmadi Farid - Surahman Hakim - Joedo Prihartono
  • Prevalence, characteristics and Related Risk Factors In Urinary Incontinence Patients In Gynecology Polyclinics Using Questionnaire For Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID) Indonesian Version.
  • Nomor Panggil T17631fk


Penentuan faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi keluhan inkontinensia urine menetap tiga bulan pasca persalinan dengan instrumen the questionnaire for urinary incontinence diagnosis (QUID)
2017 | BY Agrifa Hasiholan Haloho - Budi Iman Santoso - Sopiyudin Dahlan
  • The risk factor associated with persistent post-partum urinary incontinence in three months after delivery by using the questionnaire for urinary incontinence diagnosis (QUID).
  • Nomor Panggil T17488fk


Prevalensi Inkontinensia Urin Jenis Tekanan pada Primigravida Trimester III Akhir dan Hubungannya dengan Profil Pergerakan Uretra dan Leher Kandung Kemih Melalui Pencitraan Ultrasonografi
2021 | BY Dewita Nilasari - Joedo Prihartono - Fernandi Moegni
  • The prevalence of stress urinary incontinence in primigravid during late third trimester and its relationship with the mobility profile of urethra and bladderneck using ultrasound imaging.
  • Nomor Panggil T21517fk