Hasil Pencarian

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Hubungan Kebiasaan dan Riwayat Merokok Dengan Keberadaan Lesi Kavitas Paru Pada Pasien Tuberkulosis
2018 | BY Raditya Imam Pratana - Erlina Burhan
  • Relation Between Smoking Habits and History with Pulmonary Cavity Lesion in Tuberculosis Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S18139fk


Hubungan Kebiasaan Merokok dengan Hasil Uji Sputum Basil Tahan Asam pada Pasien Tuberkulosis
2018 | BY Kevin Afaratu - Erlina Burhan
  • Assosiation of Smoking and Acid-Fast Bacilli Smear Results in Tuberculosis Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S18011fk


Hubungan Perilaku Merokok dan Minum Alkohol dengan Kejadian Tuberkulosis Paru pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus di Puskesmas Jakarta
2015 | BY Mada Taruna Sakti Anwar - Indah Suci Widyahening
  • Association between Smoking and Drinking Alcohol with Prevalence of Tuberculosis in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Jakarta Primary Health Centre.
  • Nomor Panggil S15322FK


Hubungan Diabetes Melitus dengan Kebiasaan Merokok dan Mengonsumsi Alkohol pada Pasien Tuberkulosis di Jakarta Tahun 2013-2014
2015 | BY Dwi Sumartiningsih - Trevino A. Pakasi
  • Relationship of Diabetes Mellitus with Habit Smoking and Alcohol Consumption in Patients with Tuberculosis in Jakarta Year 2013-2014
  • Nomor Panggil S15236FK


Hubungan riwayat merokok dan keberhasilan pengobatan fase intensif penderita Tuberkulosis paru di RSU Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh
2016 | BY RisaFitria - Feni Fitriani Taufik - Dewi Behtri Yanifitri
  • The association between smoking history and intensive phase treatment success of pulmonary tuberculosis parients in Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh.
  • Nomor Panggil T16565fk


Efektivitas Pendekatan 4T (Tanya, Telaah, Tolong Nasehati, dan Tindak Lanjut) dalam Mempertahankan Keberhasilan Berhenti Merokok Pasien TB Paru di RSUP Persahabatan
2020 | BY Kolanda Maria Septauli
  • The 4T Approach for Smoking Cessation Compliance for Lung Tuberculosis Patients in Persahabatan Referral Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T20264fk


Peran Pemberian Obat Anti Tuberkulosis Pascabedah Terhadap Komplikasi Pascaoperasi Kasus Sekuel Tuberkulosis
2020 | BY Marcella - Susan Hendriarini Mety
  • Role of Postsurgical Antituberculous Chemotherapy in Complications after Surgery of TB Sequelae.
  • Nomor Panggil T20372fk