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Efek Pemberian Sekretom, Eksosom Asal Sel Punca Mesenkimal Sumsum Tulang (SPM-ST), dan Kombinasinya pada Regenerasi Tendinopati Achilles Diabetes Tikus Sprague Dawley (SD): Kajian IL-6, TGF-, Col-1, VEGF, dan Skor Bonar
2024 | BY Ihsan Oesman - Ismail Hadisoebrato Dilogo - Radiana D. Antarianto - Merci Monica br. Pasaribu- Effects of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BM-MSC) – derived Secretome, Exosome, and Combination in the Regeneration of Achilles Tendinopathy of Sprague Dawley (SD) Mice: Analysis of IL-6, TGF-, Col-1, VEGF, and Bonar Score.
- Nomor Panggil D24017fk
Efek Antidiabetes Ekstrak Daun Paitan (Tithonia diversifolia) terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Perubahan Histologis Pankreas Tikus Sprague dawley yang Diinduksi Aloksan
2019 | BY Shania Octaviani Salim- Antidiabetic Effect of Paitan (Tithonia diversifolia) Leaf Extract on Blood Glucose Levels and Histological Changes in Alloxan- induced Sprague Dawley Rat’s Pancreas.
- Nomor Panggil S19057fk
Pengaruh Efek Perlindungan Hipoksia Hipobarik Intermiten terhadap Kadar Dikarbonil pada Jaringan Hati Tersimpan Tikus Sprague Dawley
2022 | BY John Christian - Yulhasri- Effects of Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia (IHH) on Dicarbonyl Levels in Liver Tissue of Sprague Dawley Rats.
- Nomor Panggil S22075fk
Efek Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Malus domestica terhadap Kadar Gula Darah dan Histopatologi Hati pada Tikus Sprague Dawley yang Diinduksi Aloksan
2019 | BY Faizal Dzaky Rahmadika - FATMAWATY- Malus domestica leaves extract effect on blood glucose level and liver histopathology of Alloxan induced Sprague Dawley Rat.
- Nomor Panggil S19054fk
Hubungan Antara Ruang Udara Alveolus Dengan Penuaan Pada Sediaan Paru Tikus Sprague-Dawley Melalui Pengukuran Diameter Alveolus
2015 | BY Ziyad Fadlullah - Ria Margiana- Correlation between Alveolar Air Space and Aging Aging in Sprague Dawley Rats Lung.
- Nomor Panggil S15121FK
Kajian Profil Ketebalan Septum Interalveolar dan Rongga Udara Alveolus pada Paru Tikus Sprague-Dawley yang menua
2015 | BY Akmal Primadian Suprapto - Ria Margiana- Profile Study of Interalveolar Septum Thickness and Alveolar Air Space in Aging Lung of Sprague Dawley Rats.
- Nomor Panggil S15109FK
Efektivitas Cuka Apel dalam Menurunkan Nafsu Makan Tikus(Rattus novergicus) Strain Sprague Dawley
2014 | BY Liesta Dewi Gustiany - Ari Estuningtyas- The Effectiveness Apple Cider Vinegar as Appetite Suppresants in Sprague Dawley Rats (Rattus novergicus)
- Nomor Panggil S 14 090 FK
Efek Implantasi Sekretom, Sel Punca Mesenkimal Sumsum Tulang Xenogenik, Bmp-2, Granul Hidroksiapatit Dan Fiksasi Mekanik Terhadap Defek Luas Tulang Panjang Tikus Sprague Dawley
2019 | BY Jessica Fiolin - Jeanne Adiwinata - Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo- The Effect of Secretome, Xenogenic Bone Marrow-Mesenchymal Stem Cell, BMP-2, Hydroxyappatite Granule with Mechanical Fixation to Critical Sized Bone Defect Sprague Dawley Rat .
- Nomor Panggil T19182fk
Pengaruh Pajanan Extreme Low Frequency – Pulsed Electromagnetic Field dalam Proses Penyembuhan Fraktur Delayed Union Femur Tikus Sprague Dawley: Kajian Terhadap Skor Radiologi Rust dan Failure Load dari Pemberian Gaya Aksial
2018 | BY Andika Dwiputra Djaja - Ismail HD- The Effect of Extreme Low Frequency - Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Exposure in the Healing Process of Sprague Dawley Mouse Delayed Union Femur Fracture: Study of Rust Radiology Score and Failure Load of Axial Force.
- Nomor Panggil T18489fk
Pengaruh Destrangulasi Usus pada Cedera Iskemia- Reperfusi Usus terhadap Hati Tikus Sprague-Dawley
2018 | BY Rizky Amaliah - Ahmad Yani - Aria Kekalih- Intestinal Destrangulation Effects on Liver following Intestinal Ischaemia Reperfusion Injury on Sprague- Dawley.
- Nomor Panggil T18275fk