Hasil Pencarian

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Evidence-Based Psoriasis : diagnosis and treatment / edited by Tina Bhutani, Wilson Liao, Mio Nakamura
2018 | BY Bhutani, Tina - Wilson Liao - Mio Nakamura
  • Nomor Panggil WR 205 B5759 2018


Pengaruh Injeksi Intradermal dan Subkutan Sel Punca Mesenkim asal Tali Pusat Manusia pada Tikus Wistar Model Psoriasis Vulgaris Kulit Hasil Induksi Krim Imiquimod 5%: Kajian IL-17, IL-10 dan CD11b.
2023 | BY Steven - RAHYUSSALIM - Lili Legiawati
  • The Effect of Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stromal Cell intradermal and subcutan injection in Wistar Rat Skin Models of Psoriasis Vulgaris Induced by 5% Imiquimod Cream: Study of IL-17, IL-10 and CD11b.
  • Nomor Panggil T23257fk


Hubungan antara Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Tekanan Darah dengan Tingkat Keparahan Psoriasis pada Pasien Psoriasis di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2018 | BY Fachreza Aulia Trinanda - Endi Novianto
  • Association between Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure to the Severity of Psoriasis in Psoriatic Patients at RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.
  • Nomor Panggil S18001fk


Pengembangan Instrumen Daftar Tilik Deteksi Manifestasi Okular pada Psoriasis Vulgaris, serta Uji Validitas, Reliabilitas, dan Sensitivitas
2024 | BY Shafira Anindya Purnawan - Windy Keumala Budianti - Eyleny Meisyah Fitri - Lukman Edwar - Marsen Isbayuputra
  • Development of a Screening Instrument for Detecting Ocular Manifestations in Psoriasis Vulgaris, Including Validity, Reliability, and Sensitivity Tests.
  • Nomor Panggil T24051fk


The Risk of Absenteeism among Workers with Psoriasis
2019 | BY Rakhmi Savitri - Indah Suci Widyahening - Dewi S. Soemarko
  • Risiko Absenteisme di antara Pekerja dengan Psoriasis.
  • Nomor Panggil T19456fk


Korelasi Kadar High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) dan Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) dengan Derajat Keparahan Psoriasis Vulgaris yang Dinilai Berdasarkan Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) dan Body Surface Area (BSA)
2022 | BY Mutiara Ramadhiani - Sondang Pandjaitan Sirait - Githa Rahmayunita - Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya
  • Correlation of High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) Levels with the Severity of Psoriasis Vulgaris Assessed Based on Psoriasis Area And Severity Index (PASI) and Body Surface Area (BSA).
  • Nomor Panggil T22517fk


Hubungan antara Derajat Keparahan Psoriasis yang Memiliki Lesi Hard-to-Treat dengan Kejadian Sindrom Metabolik
2022 | BY Retno Wibawanti - Windy Keumala Budianti - Dina Evyana - Wismandari Wisnu - Endi Novianto - R. Inge Ade Krisanti
  • Association between The Severity of Hard-to-treat Psoriasis and The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome.
  • Nomor Panggil T22481fk


Hubungan Derajat Keparahan Psoriasis Kuku pada Psoriasis Vulgaris dengan Psoriatic Arthritis
2022 | BY Rahadi Rihatmadja - Robert Sinto - Windy Keumala Budianti - Rudy Hidayat - Cinthiaa Christina Dewi J.Z.T - Endi Novianto
  • The Relationship between Severity of Nail Psoriasis with Psoriatic Arthritis.
  • Nomor Panggil T22234fk


Korelasi antara stres psikis dengan derajat keparahan psoriasis: kajian skala stres dengan psoriasis area and severity index dan kadar high sensitivity c-reactive protein
2018 | BY Caecilia Swasti Indrati - Sandra Widaty - Endi Novianto - Irmia Kusumadewi
  • The Correlation between Psychological Stress and Psoriasis Severity : A study on Stress Scales with Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) Levels.
  • Nomor Panggil T18272fk


Korelasi derajat keparahan psoriasis berdasarkan psoriasis area and severity index dengan derajat perlemakan hati nonalkoholik berdasarkan controlled attenuation parameter
2018 | BY Nico Gandha - Tjut Nurul Alam - Larisa Paramitha - Andri Sanityoso
  • The correlation of psoriasis severity based on psoriasis area and severity index and degree of nonalcoholic fatty liver based on controlled attenuation parameter.
  • Nomor Panggil T18254fk