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Hubungan Kadar Kisspeptin, Neurokinin B dan Dinorfin terhadap Rasio LH/FSH serta Polimorfisme dan Metilasi DNA Gen KISS1 pada Pasien Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik Nir-obese.
2023 | BY Gita Pratama - Budi Wiweko - Andon Hestiantoro - Indah Suci Widyahening
  • Relationship of Kisspeptin, Neurokinin B and Dynorfin Levels to the LH/FSH Ratio and Polymorphism and DNA Methylation of the KISS1 Gene in Lean Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil D23012fk


Indeks proliferasi sel granulosa dan ekspresi gen CYP19A1: hubungannya dengan polimorfisme gen reseptor FSH kodon 680 pada pasien sindroma ovarium polikistik.
2015 | BY ANDRIJONO - Muchtaruddin Mansyur - Purnomo Soeharso - Roselina Panghiyangani - Dwi Anita Suryandari
  • Granulosa cell proliferation index and CYP19A1 gene expression: The relationship with FSH receptor gene polymorphism at codon 680 in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Nomor Panggil D15017fk


Profil Polimorfisme dan Ekspresi mRNA Gen Reseptor Vitamin D pada Penderita Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik dan Kontrol
2022 | BY Sukma Dewi Pawestri - Andon Hestiantoro
  • Polymorphism Profile and mRNA Expression of Vitamin D Receptor Genes in Patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Controls.
  • Nomor Panggil T22486fk