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Efektivitas krim Centella asiatica ekstrak etanol dalam nanopartikel kitosan dibandingkan dengan krim Centella asiatica ekstrak etanol, krim silver sulfadiazine, dan kontrol terhadap penyembuhan luka bakar dermis superfisial pada tikus
2017 | BY Lia Damayanti - Fifinela Raissa - Kusmarinah Bramono - Sondang P. Sirait
  • Effectiveness of Centella asiatica ethanol extract in nanoparticle chitosan cream compared to Centella asiatica ethanol extract cream, silver sulfadiazine cream, and control in superficial dermal burn wound healing in rats.
  • Nomor Panggil T17249fk


Efektivitas mangiferin dalam nanopartikel kitosan-alginat sebagai pengikat Fe untuk mencegah hemosiderosis pada tikus
2019 | BY Deby Jannati Gustiwi - Ari Estuningtyas - NAFRIALDI
  • Effectiveness of mangiferin in chitosan-alginate nanoparticles as an iron chelator for the prevention of hemosiderosis in rat.
  • Nomor Panggil T19336fk


Analisis farmakokinetik nanopartikel kitosan-alginat mangiferin dan distribusinya di jantung dan hati tikus Sprague-Dawley
2019 | BY Devi Maulina - Ari Estuningtyas - Vivian Soetikno
  • Pharmacokinetic analysis of chitosan-alginate mangiferin nanoparticles and their distribution in the heart and liver of Sprague-Dawley rat .
  • Nomor Panggil T19224fk


Profil farmakokinetik kurkumin dan nanokurkumin di plasma dan distribusinya di ovarium tikus
2018 | BY Melva Louisa - Wenny Trias Ramadanty - Wawaimuli Arozal
  • Pharmacokinetic profile of curcumin and nanocurcumin in plasma and the distribution in rat ovary .
  • Nomor Panggil T18038fk