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Pengaruh Terapi Fotokoagulasi Laser dan Bevacizumab Intravitreal pada Retinopati Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2: Tinjauan Penanda Biologis Stres Oksidatif.
2014 | BY Andi Arus Victor - Sarwono Waspadji - Tjahjono Darminto Gondhowiardjo
  • Effect of Laser Photocoagulation and Bevacizumab Intravitreal in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: Review on Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress.
  • Nomor Panggil D14007fk


Mekanisme Vitamin E dalam Menekan Inflamasi dan Stres Oksidatif pada Febrile Urinary Tract Infection.
2016 | BY Zakiudin Munasir - Bobby Setiadi Dharmawan - Partini Pudjiastuti Trihono
  • The Mechanism of Vitamin E in Suppressing Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Febrile UTI.
  • Nomor Panggil D16003fk


Phytochemistry Test and Antioxidant Activity of Syzygium aromaticum: In Vitro Study on Free Radical and In Vivo Study on Oxidative Stress Level In Sprague Dawley Rat
2018 | BY Andreas Kevin - FATMAWATY
  • Tes Fitokimia dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Syzygium Aromaticum: Studi In Vitro Sifat Memulung Radikal Bebas dan Studi In Vivo Level Stres Oksidatif di Tikus Sprague Dawley.
  • Nomor Panggil S18188fk


Efek Pemberian Sel Punca Mesenkim Asal Tali Pusat Manusia Terhadap Stres Oksidatif Hati Tikus Model Cedera Kronis
2023 | BY Lenny Setiawati - Isabella Kurnia Liem - Puspita Eka Wuyung
  • The effect of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cell against oxidative stress in the liver of chronic injured rats.
  • Nomor Panggil T23304fk


Pengaruh Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. terhadap stres oksidatif jantung tikus pada kondisi overtraining: kajian terhadap Malonildialdehid (MDA), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Glutathione (GSH), dan NADPH Oxidase (Nox2)
2019 | BY Nurul Paramita - Syarifah Dewi - Imma Fatayati
  • Effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. on Oxidative Stress in heart of Overtrained Rat: Study on Malonildialdehyde (MDA), Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione (GSH) and NADPH Oxidase 2 (Nox2).
  • Nomor Panggil T19247fk


Pengaruh Pemberian Senyawa Sintetik Oktil Galat Terhadap Proses Inflamasi Dan Stres Oksidatif Pada Tikus Model Endometriosis
2019 | BY Heri Wibowo - Cicilia Febriani Hayuningrum - Arieni
  • Effect of Octyl Gallate Synthetic Compound on the Inflammatory Process and Oxidative Stress in Rat Endometriosis Model .
  • Nomor Panggil T19246fk


Efek Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Acalypha Indica dan Centella Asiatica pada Jantung Tikus Pascahipoksia: Gen Hif-1a, Troponin I dan Stres Oksidatif
2015 | BY Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih - Marsetyo Edhiatmi - Wawaimuli Arozal
  • The Effect of Combination Ethanol Extract Of Acalypha Indica And Centella Asiatica Against Heart Damage After Hypoxia: HIF-1α Gen, Troponin I And Oxidative Stress.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 347 FK


Biomarker stres oksidatif saat istirahat pada atlet sepakbola profesional Indonesia
2014 | BY Zaini Kadhafi Saragih - Nani Cahyani - Yulhasri
  • Oxidative stress biomarker at rest in Indonesian professional football athletes.
  • Nomor Panggil T14023fk


Stres Oksidatif, ROS dan MDA / Dr.dr. Ninik Mudjihartini, MS., dan Prof.Dr.dr. Sri Widia A. Juzman, MS.
2021 | BY Dr.dr. Ninik Mudjihartini, M.S. - Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Widia A. Juzman, MS.
  • Nomor Panggil WL 205 N715 2021


Pengaruh Konsumsi Beras Merah Pecah Kulit Terhadap Kadar Malondialdehida Plasma Postprandial Penelitian pendahuluan pada individu dewasa sehat setelah mengonsumsi makanan tinggi lemak
2014 | BY Victor Larry Eduard Tumalun - Fiastuti Witjaksono - Dwirini Retno Gunarti
  • Effect of Whole Red Rice on Postprandial Plasma Malondialdehyde Concentrations. A Pilot Study on healthy adults after high fat meal intake.
  • Nomor Panggil T14011fk