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Deteksi gen B1 Toxoplasma gondii dari cairan cerebrospinal pasien HIV/AIDS dengan gangguan serebral menggunakan modifikasi PCR
2016 | BY Ika Puspa Sari - Ryan Halleyantoro - Agnes Kurniawan- Detection of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene from cerebrospinal fluid of HIV/AIDS patients with cerebral disorders using modified PCR.
- Nomor Panggil T 16 015 FK
Inkompatibilitas transfusi trombosit akibat polimorfisme Human Platelet Antigen (HPA-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-15) dan deteksi Antibodi Anti-HPA-3 dan HPA-15 pada pasien anemia aplastik
2015 | BY ASMARINAH - Elly Yanah Arwanih - NI KEN RITCHIE- Platelet transfusion incompatibility due to polymorphism Human Platelet Antigen (HPA-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-15) and Anti HPA-3 and HPA-15 antibodies detection in patients with aplastic anemia.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 051 FK
Peran Infeksi CMV Terhadap Profil sel Limfosit T dan sel Natural Killer pada Pasien HIV Yang Memulai ART di Jakarta
2016 | BY Ibnu Agus Ariyanto - Beti Ernawati - Patricia Price- The role CMV infection in T Cells and NK Cells Profiles of HIV Patients Beginning ART in Jakarta.
- Nomor Panggil T16578fk
Deteksi gen penyandi Secretion System ATPase type III (ssaN) Salmonella enterica subsp.enterica pada spesimen darah pasien demam tifoid
2016 | BY Oktania Sandra Puspita - Andi Yasmon - Beti Ernawati- Detection of gene encoding secretion system ATPase type III (ssaN) in Salmonella enterica subsp.enterica from blood specimen of typhoid fever patients.
- Nomor Panggil T16554fk
Produksi in vitro sitokin IL-10, IFN-gamma, IL-2 serta anti-HBs pada pasien hepatitis B kronis dan resolusi infeksi
2016 | BY David handojo Muljono - Erick Sidarta - Alida R Harahap- In vitro production of IL-10, IFN-gamma, IL-2 cytokines, and anti-HBs on patients with chronic and resolved hepatitis B infection.
- Nomor Panggil T 16 356 FK
Respons Inflamasi serta Kadar Cleaved Caspase CK18 Penderita Kanker Kolorektal PascaReseksi setelah Pemberian Fraksi Etanol Daun Annona muricata Linn
2016 | BY Heri Wibowo - Lisa Andriani Lienggonegoro - Ingrid S. Surono- Inflammatory Response and Cleaved Caspase CK18 in Post- resection Colorectal Cancer Patients after Ethanol Fraction of Annona muricata Linn. Administration.
- Nomor Panggil T 16 341 FK
Deteksi gen MSG untuk meningkatkan ketepatan diagnosis Pneumocystis jirovecii pada pasien HIV dengan pneumonia
2016 | BY Fitrahwati Sudarmo - CONNY RIANA TJAMPAKASARI - Andi Yasmon- Detection of MSG gene to increase the accuracy of Pneumocystis jirovecii diagnosis in HIV patients with pneumonia.
- Nomor Panggil T16325FK