Hasil Pencarian

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Hubungan antara ukuran batu ureter dengan derajat hidronefrosis pada pasien batu ureter
2013 | BY Cahyo Baskoro - Arry Rodjani
  • The relation between ureteral stone size and hydronephrosis degree of ureteral stone patient.
  • Nomor Panggil S13126fk


Evaluation of Open Pyeloplasty in Patient with Uretero-Pelvic Junction Obstruction in Harapan Kita Hospital between 2014-2017
2019 | BY Ramlan Halimi - Andre Yudha - Arry Rodjani
  • Evaluasi Pieloplasti Terbuka pada Pasien dengan Obstruksi Ureteroperlvic Junction di Rumah Sakit Harapan Kita antara 2014-2017 .
  • Nomor Panggil T19211fk


Gynecological Malignancy with Obstructive Uropathy Patient Profile in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital: Our 2-Year Experience
2022 | BY Muhammad Isa Fuad Affan - Fina Widia - Harrina Erlianti Rahardjo
  • Profil Pasien Keganasan Ginekologis dengan Uropati Obstruktif di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo: Pengalaman 2 Tahun.
  • Nomor Panggil T22019fk


Hubungan Derajat Hidronefrosis dan Leukosit Urin terhadap Komplikasi Demam dan Retropulsi pada Batu Non-opaque yang Dilakukan Ureteroskopik Lithotripsi di RSUD Dr. Fauziah Bireuen
2017 | BY Ginanda Putra Siregar - Teguh Risesa Djufri - Marzuki Yusuf
  • Relationship between Grade of Hydronephrosis and Urine Leucocyte with Fever and Retropulsion as Complication of Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in Patients with Non-opaque Stone.
  • Nomor Panggil T17491fk


Hidronefrosis Kongenital : Permasalahan Diagnostik dan Tata Laksana
2009 | BY Yonas Immanuel Hutasoit - Arry Rodjani - Irfan Wahyudi
  • Nomor Panggil T09133FK


LapaLaparoscopic Pyeloplasty As the Management of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction: First Experience in Adam Malik General Hospital
2020 | BY Hasnil Mubarak - Yacobda H. Sigumonrong
  • Laparoskopi Pyeloplasti sebagai Penanganan Obstruksi Persimpangan Ureteropelvic: Pengalaman Pertama di Rumah Sakit Adam Malik
  • Nomor Panggil T20144fk