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Efek Titrasi Cepat Obat Anti Epilepsi pada Anak yang Berisiko Mengalami Epilepsi Resistan Obat: Kajian terhadap Frekuensi Kejang, Durasi Kejang dan Faktor yang Memengaruhinya
2024 | BY Sitti Radhiah - Irawan Mangunatmadja - Instiaty - Rosalina Dewi Roeslani
  • The effect of rapid titration of anti-epileptic drugs in children at risk of developing drug-t epilepsy: a study of the frequency, duration of seizures, adverse drug reaction and influencing factors.
  • Nomor Panggil T24002fk


Gambaran Kadar Serum Asam Folat Pada Orang Dengan Epilepsi yang Menggunakan Obat Anti Epilepsi Generasi Lama
2015 | BY Henry Riyanto - Fitri Oktaviana - Ninik Mudjihartini - Joedo Prihartono
  • Serum levels of Folate in people with epilepsy using first generation anti-epileptic drugs.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 251 FK


Efek samping pengobatan antiepilepsi jangka panjang terhadap tubulus ginjal
2015 | BY Partini P Trihono - Mulya Rahma Karyanti - Deasy Grafianti
  • Side effect of long term antiepileptic drugs on kidney tubules.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 194 FK


Respons Awal Obat Antiepilepsi Monoterapi pada Pasien Epilepsi Baru
2017 | BY Nurcahaya Sinaga - Dwi Putro Widodo
  • Initial Response to Monotherapy Antiepileptic Drugs in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Epilepsy.
  • Nomor Panggil T17458fk


Hubungan Obat anti Bangkitan terhadap Kualitas Hidup pasien Epilepsi Lobus Temporal
2023 | BY Dinda Larastika Riyanto - Astri Budikayanti - Winnugroho Wiratman
  • The Association of Antiepileptic Drug with Quality of Life (QoL) in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
  • Nomor Panggil T23546fk


Faktor Risiko Keberhasilan Obat Antiepilepsi Generasi 2 pada Pasien Epilepsi Anak Usia di Bawah 3 Tahun: Studi Kasus Kontrol
2020 | BY Jenny Br. Ginting - Irawan Mangunatmadja - Pramita Gayatri
  • Risk Factor Affecting the Success of Second Generation Antiepileptic in Children under 3 Years with Epilepsy: Case Control Study.
  • Nomor Panggil T20086fk