Hasil Pencarian

✨ 23 results found - Searched 21151 records in 4ms.


Neurovascular Sonography
2022 | BY Ziai, Wendy C. - Christy L. Cornwell
  • Nomor Panggil WL 154 Z64 2022


Pengaruh infus lidokain terhadap mean flow velocity di otak: pemeriksaan arteri serebral media menggunakan transcranial Doppler
2024 | BY Sari Nur Assyifa - PRYAMBODHO - Arief Cahyadi
  • The effect of lidocaine infusion on mean flow velocity in the brain: examination of the middle cerebral artery using transcranial Doppler.
  • Nomor Panggil T24129fk


Peran Inflamasi dan Apoptosis terhadap Jejas Jantung/ Pembuluh Darah pada Preeklamsia Awitan Dini dan Lanjut: Kajian terhadap NF- Kß, PARP-1, TUNEL dan Cyclophilin A.
2020 | BY Novi Resistantie - Noroyono Wibowo - Damar Prasmusinto - Ali Sungkar - Nurjati Chairani Siregar - Joedo Prihartono
  • The Role of Inflammation and Apoptosis Impact on Cardiovascular Injury in Early Onset and Late Onset Preeclampsia: Study on NF- Kß, PARP-1, TUNEL assay and Cyclophilin A.
  • Nomor Panggil D20011fk


Deteksi Dini Kardiotoksisitas Subklinis Menggunakan Ekokardiografi Speckle Tracking pada Anak yang Mendapat Kemoterapi
2023 | BY Sarah Rafika Nursyirwan - Haryanti Fauzia Wulandari - Hikari Ambara Sjakti - Piprim Basarah Yanuarso
  • Early Detection of Subclinical Cardiotoxicity Using Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in Children Receiving Chemotherapy.
  • Nomor Panggil T23002fk


Kesesuaian antara Kombinasi Handheld Ultrasonography dan Color Doppler Ultrasonography dengan Automated Breast Ultrasound terhadap Hasil Patologi Anatomi Lesi Payudara
2019 | BY Ratih Merinda - Sawitri Darmiati - Sonar S. Panigoro - Hartono Tjahjadi - Joedo Prihartono
  • Inter-test Agreement between Combinations of Handheld Ultrasonography and Color Doppler Ultrasonography with Automated Breast Ultrasound against Pathological Anatomy of Breast Lesions.
  • Nomor Panggil T19432fk


Parameter Ultrasonografi Doppler Vena Hepatika Periode Awal Pascatransplantasi Hati Donor Hidup Pediatrik sebagai Prediktor Komplikasi Vena Hepatika (Penelitian Pendahuluan)
2022 | BY Syeida Handoyo - Joedo Prihartono - Kshetra Rinaldhy - Damayanti Sekarsari
  • Early Period Hepatic Vein Doppler Ultrasound Parameters PostTransplantation of Pediatric Living Donor Liver as a Predictor of Hepatic Vein Complications: Preliminary Study.
  • Nomor Panggil T22490fk


Nilai Diagnostik DAS28 Dan DAS28-Squeeze Untuk Menilai Aktivitas Penyakit Artritis Reumatoid Dengan Menggunakan USG Power Doppler Sebagai Acuan
2016 | BY Pringgodigdo Nugroho - David Santosa - Marcel Prasetyo - Rudy Hidayat
  • Diagnostic values of DAS28 and DAS28-squeeze in evaluating Rheumatoid Arthritis disease activity using Power Doppler Ultrasound as reference.
  • Nomor Panggil T16229FK


Korelasi spektral USG Doppler tungkai dengan skor PEDIS berat pada ulkus kaki diabetik
2018 | BY Willy Muljono - Hilman Ibrahim - Aria Kekalilh
  • Correlation between Doppler leg ultrasound and severe PEDIS score on diabetic foot ulcers.
  • Nomor Panggil T18454fk


Korelasi Nilai Indeks Resistensi dan Indeks Pulsatilitas Ginjal terhadap Tekanan Intraabdomen Saat Insuflasi CO2 Intralaparoskopi
2018 | BY Dita Aditianingsih - Heltara Ramandika - Joedo Prihartono - Nur Rasyid - Sahat B.R.E Matondang
  • Correlation of Renal Resistive Index and Pulsatility Index with Intraabdominal Pressure During CO2 Insufflation Intralaparoscopy.
  • Nomor Panggil T18198fk


Korelasi skor kalsium arteri koronaria dengan ketebalan tunika intima media dan nilai resistive index arteri karotis komunis bilateral dengan menggunakan ultrasonografi Doppler
2014 | BY Idrus Alwi - Gupita Nareswari - Joedo Prihartono - Jacub Pandelaki
  • Correlation between coronary artery calcium score with bilateral common carotid intima media thickness and resistive index using Doppler ultrasonography.
  • Nomor Panggil T14576fk