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Perbedaan Rerata Skor Kualitas Hidup Pada Pasien Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik (PPOK) Dengan Gangguan Depresi Dan Tanpa Gangguan Depresi Di Klinik Asma/PPOK RSUP Persahabatan
2015 | BY A.A.A.A. Kusumawardhani - Faisal Yunus - Feranindhya Agiananda - Mutiara Anissa - Khamelia Malik
  • Mean Difference of Quality of Life Scores Between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients Who Have Depressive Disorder and Without Depressive Disorder at Asthma/COPD Clinic at Persahabatan Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 329 FK


Prevalensi Depresi Mayor dan Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh pada Pasien Epilepsi Dewasa (kajian NDDI-E versi Indonesia)
2015 | BY Lilir Amalini - Astri Budikayanti - Joedo Prihartono - Diatri Nari Lastri
  • The Prevalence and Influence Factors of Major Depression in Epilepsy using Indonesian Version of NDDI-E.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 320 FK


Hubungan antara Gangguan Depresidengan Kualitas Hidup, Stresor Psikososial, dan Tingkat Kontrol Asma pada Pasien Asma di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2015 | BY Feranindhya Agiananda - Iris Rengganis - Agung Wiretno Putro - Irmia Kusumadewi
  • Relationship Between Depressive Disorder and Quality of Life, Psychosocial Stressors, Level of Asthma Control in Asthmatic Patients at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 314 FK