Hasil Pencarian

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he Effect of Nanocurcumin and Curcumin in the Modulation of Oxidative Stress Markers in Ovarian Cancer Models treated with Cisplatin in Rats
2020 | BY Ahmad Muhammad Basalamah - Melva Louisa
  • Efek dari Nanocurcumin dan Curcumin dalam Modulasi Marker Stres Oksidatif di Model Tikus dengan Kanker Rahim yang diobati dengan Cisplatin.
  • Nomor Panggil S20218fk


Peran Kurkumin sebagai Agen Ko-Kemoterapi Cisplatin terhadap Sel SKOV3 melalui Modulasi Jalur Endothelin-1 dan Reseptor Endothelin
2020 | BY Nurul Inayah Rahmani - Agian Jeffilano Barinda
  • The Role of Curcumin as Co-Chemotherapeutic Agent with Cisplatin through Modulation of Endothelin-1 and Endothelin Receptor Pathway in SKOV3 Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S20110fk


Potensi modulasi ekspresi mRNA Drug Efflux Transporter (Pgp dan BCRP) oleh Kurkumin pada MCF-7 yang dipaparkan endoksifen dan estradiol berulang
2016 | BY Robby Hertanto - Melva Louisa
  • Modulation of Pgp and BCRP drug efflux transporter mRNA expression by curcumin on MCF-7 cell line exposed with repeated endoxifen and estradiol.
  • Nomor Panggil S16191fk