Hasil Pencarian

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Hubungan Subtipe Imunofenotipik Berdasarkan Ekspresi CD56 dan CD16 dengan Ekspresi CD30 dan Ki-67 pada Limfoma Sel NK/T Ekstranodal Tipe Nasal.
2016 | BY Kusmardi - Stephanie Marisca - Maria Francisca Ham
  • The Correlation Between Immunophenotypic Subtypes Based on CD56 and CD16 Expression with CD30 and Ki-67 Expression in Extranodal NK/T Cell Lymphoma Nasal Type.
  • Nomor Panggil T16109fk


Refluks Laringofaring sebagai Faktor Risiko Otitis Media Supuratif Kronik: Kajian Berdasarkan Hubungan Reflux Symptom Index dan Reflux Finding Score dengan Kadar Pepsin Sekret Telinga Tengah
2016 | BY Ayu Astria Sriyana - Ratna D. Restuti - Susyana Tamin - Syahrial M Hutauruk - Saptawati Bardosono - Ina S. Timan
  • Laryngopharyngeal Reflux as a Risk Factor of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media: Study based on Reflux Symptom Index and Reflux Finding Score Relation to Pepsin Level in the Middle Ear.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 102 FK


Hubungan Motivasi Otonomi Mahasiswa dan Dukungan Otonomi Tutor dengan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa pada Blok Fundamental Medical Science Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Pelita Harapan
0 | BY Anwar Jusuf - Diantha Soemantri - Rose Feri
  • The Relationship between Students’ Autonomous Motivation and Tutors’ Autonomy Support with Students’ Academic Achievement in Fundamental Medical Science Block at UPH Medical School .
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 092 FK


Hubungan Kinerja Tutor dengan Kegiatan Belajar Mandiri dan Pelaporan Hasil Belajar Mandiri Dalam Diskusi Problem-based learning di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lampung
2016 | BY Anwar Jusuf - Oktafany - Mardiastuti H. Wahid
  • Relationship between tutors performance and self directed learning activity and reporting process in problem based learning discussion at medical faculty of lampung university.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 070 FK


Hubungan Tingkat Stres Terhadap Ujian Dengan Hasil Belajar Keterampilan Klinis Dasar Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara
2016 | BY Estivana Felaza - Enny Irawaty - Retno W. Soebaryo
  • Relat ionship Between Test Stress Levels and Basic Clinical Skills Learning Outcomes in Faculty of Medicine, Tarumanagara university.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 054 FK


Hubungan Antara Kekuatan Genggam Tangan dengan Skor Child Pugh dan Massa Otot Pada Sirosis Hati
2016 | BY Johana Titus - Amanda Trixie Hardigaloeh - Rino Alvani Gani - Cleopas Martin Rumende
  • The Correlation Between Hand Grip Strength with Child Pugh Score and Muscle Mass In Liver Cirrhosis.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 051 FK


Hubungan Antara Latar Belakang Dan Tingkat Pendidikan Dokter Dengan Tingkat Kesesuaian Terapi Nyeri Pada Pasien Kanker Dengan Pedoman Terapi Nyeri WHO
2015 | BY Andhika Rachman - Fandy Erlangga Putra - Rudi Putranto
  • Relationship between doctors background and level of education toward pain therapy adequacy in cancer patients using WHO guideline for pain therapy.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 553 FK


Hubungan antara hasil pemeriksaan kapasitas difusi paru terhadap karbonmonoksida (DLCO) metode napas tunggal dengan derajat pasien PPOK di Rumah Sakit Umum Persahabatan Jakarta
2015 | BY Faisal Yunus - Triya Damayanti - Efriadi Ismail
  • The correlation between measurement of lung diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide with single breath method (DLCO-SB) with the group of COPD patients in Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 548 FK


Hubungan Temperamen dengan Pengendalian Kadar HbA1c pada Penyandang Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Poliklinik Metabolik Endokrin RSCM
2015 | BY Maria Irene Hendrata - Suharko Soebardi - Charles E. Damping
  • Relationship between Temperament and HbA1c level control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Metabolism Endocrine Polyclinic.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 530 FK


Hubungan antara Gejala Positif pada Gangguan Psikotik dengan Perilaku Kekerasan pada Warga Binaan Panti Sosial Bina Laras Harapan Sentosa II Cipayung Jakarta Timur
2015 | BY Natalia Widiasih Raharjanti - Petrin Redayani L. Sugijanto - Siti Dwinanti Amanda
  • Correlation Between Positive Symptoms of Psychotic Disorder with Violent Behavior in Residents of Bina Laras Harapan Sentosa II Mental Rehabilitation Cipayung East Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 529 FK