Hasil Pencarian

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Pengaruh deksametason terhadap proliferasi sel, kadar interleukin-1α, dan tumor necrosis faktor-α pada biakan kolesteatoma pasien otitis media supuratif kronik.
2005 | BY Ratna Dwi Restuti - Hendarto Hendarmin - Alida R. Harahap - PURWANTYASTUTI
  • Nomor Panggil D05010fk


Pengaruh Kombinasi Platelet-rich Plasma dan Human Serum Albumin terhadap Proliferasi dan Ekspresi CD34 Sel Punca Hematopoietik: Sebuah Studi Pilot
2019 | BY Dina Fitriana Sholikhah - Imelda Rosalyn S
  • Effect of Combination of Platelet-rich Plasma and Human Serum Albumin on Proliferation and CD34 Expression of Hematopoietic Stem Cell: A Pilot Study.
  • Nomor Panggil S19096fk


Analisis Ekspresi Protein HGF dan c-MET terhadap Proliferasi Sel pada Derajat Keganasan Karsinoma Ovarium
2023 | BY Tantri Hellyanti - Ria Kodariah - Angeline Maranata
  • Expression analysis of HGF and C-MET toward cell proliferation in the degree of malignancy in ovarian carcinoma.
  • Nomor Panggil T23287fk


Efek Avidin terhadap Viabilitas dan Proliferasi Sel Kanker Kolorektal HT-29 sebagai Kandidat Anti-Kanker
2022 | BY Muhammad Fakhri Ramadhan - Mohamad Sadikin - Murdani Abdullah - Syarifah Dewi
  • The Effect of Avidin on Viability and Proliferation of Colorectal Cancer HT-29 Cells as Anti-Cancer Candidate.
  • Nomor Panggil T22335fk


Efek penghambatan ekspresi gen sitoglobin terhadap proliferasi sel dan kadar ROS pada sel fibroblas keloid
2018 | BY Fajri Marindra Siregar - Sri Widia A. Jusman - Novi Silvia Hardiany
  • The effect of cytoglobin gene inhibition on proliferation and ROS level in fibroblast keloid cells.
  • Nomor Panggil T18264fk


Pengaruh Pemberian Nanokurkumin Terhadap Ekspresi Telomerase, Ekspresi Nf-kB, dan Indeks Proliferasi BrdU Pada Kultur Cell Line Koriokarsinoma BeWo (ATCC CCL-98)
2018 | BY Aria Kekalih - Subandi - Sigit Purbadi - Wawaimuli Arozal
  • Nanocurcumin effects on telomerase activity, NF-B expression, and BrdU proliferation index in Bewo Choriocarcinoma Cell Line Culture (ATCC CCL-98)
  • Nomor Panggil T18105fk


Penghambatan Proliferasi Sel Mononukleus (SMDT) Manusia oleh Avidin, pascast imulasi Fitohemaglutinin (PHA) dan Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
2015 | BY Cicia Firakania - Mohamad Sadikin - Indra Gusti Mansur
  • Inhibit ion of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) Proliferation by Avidin, pascastimulation of Phyt ohemagglutinin (PHA) and Interleukin-2 (IL-2).
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 257 FK


Penentuan Inhibitory Concentration Antosianin Ekstrak Bekatul Beras Hitam pada Proliferasi dan Ekspresi Gen ABCA1 dari Galur Sel Kanker Kolorektal Manusia
2021 | BY Wiza Iswanti - Murdani Abdullah - Rina Agustina
  • Determination of Anthocyanins Inhibitory Concentration of Black Rice Bran Extract on Proliferation and ABCA1 Gene Expression of Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Line.
  • Nomor Panggil T21535fk