Hasil Pencarian

✨ 102 results found - Searched 21160 records in 6ms.


Peran Lingkungan Mikro Tumor terhadap Kesintasan Kanker Payudara Tiga Negatif Metastatik: Kajian terhadap Ekspresi CD4, CD8, FOXP3 CD163 dan PD-L1
2023 | BY Andhika Rachman - Jeffry Beta Tenggara - Lisnawati - Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo
  • The Role of Tumor Microenvironment on Survival of Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Study on the Expression of CD4, CD8, FOXP3,CD163, and PD-L1.
  • Nomor Panggil D23035fk


Metastasis Tulang Primer pada Kanker Nasofaring: Kajian terhadap Ekspresi Gen CXCR4, RANK, RANKL, BMP2, OPN, PTHLH, IL-8, dan SRC
2024 | BY Cosphiadi Irawan - Achmad Fauzi Kamal - Rahmat Cahyanur - Marlinda Adham
  • Primary Bone Metastasis in Nasopharyngeal Cancer: A Study on CXCR4, RANK, RANKL, BMP2, OPN, PTHLH, IL-8, and SRC Genes Expression.
  • Nomor Panggil D24036fk


Ekstrak Kedelai Menghambat Patogenesis Kanker Payudara Tikus yang Diinduksi DMBA: Kajian Klinis, Respons Imun, Histopatologik, dan Ekspresi Protein Ki-67 dan VEGF
2024 | BY Andon Hestiantoro - Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih - Kusmardi - Andi Muh. Maulana
  • Soybean Extract Inhibits DMBA-Induced Rat Breast Cancer Pathogenesis: A Clinical Study, Immune Response, Histopathology, Ki-67 and VEGF Protein Expression.
  • Nomor Panggil D24030fk


Identifikasi Varian Genetik dan Kandidat Marka Prognostik dari Basis Data Genomik Pasien Kanker Payudara di Jakarta
2023 | BY Stefanny Cong - Fadilah
  • Identification of Genetic Variants and A Prognostic Marker Candidate from Genomic Database of Breast Cancer Patients in Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S23185fk


Lung Cancer : A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician
2023 | BY MacRosty, Christina R. - Rivera, M. Patricia
  • Nomor Panggil WF 658 M1749


Kepatuhan terhadap Timely Completion pada Kanker Serviks Stadium Lokal Lanjut dan Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo pada Tahun 2019
2023 | BY Gatot Purwoto - Rebecca Octavia Fransisca Tobing
  • Compliance Towards Timely Treatment in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: A Study of Influential Factors from Indonesia National General Hospital in 2019.
  • Nomor Panggil T23619fk


Prostate Cancer : a Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Management
2015 | BY Dicker, Adam P. - Wm. Kevin Kelly - Edouard J. Trabulsi
  • Nomor Panggil WJ 762 D549 2015


Penggunaan Testicular Shield Dengan Teknik 3d Dan Metal Printing Pada Pasien Radioterapi Abdominopelvis Sebagai Upaya Preservasi Fertilitas
2024 | BY Muhammad Iqbal Maulana - Angela Giselvania - Gregorius Ben Prajogi - Nurrudin
  • pplication ofTesticular Shield with 3D and Metal Printing Techniques in Abdominopelvic Radiotherapy Patients as a fertility Preservation Technique.
  • Nomor Panggil T24135fk


Hubungan temuan kelainan serviks terhadap riwayat vaksinasi HPV dan skrining tes DNA HPV: sebuah studi di RSCM tahun 2021—2022
2022 | BY Nafira Audrine - Gatot Purwoto
  • Association of cervical abnormalities finding with HPV vaccination and HPV DNA test screening records: a study at RSCM in 2021—2022.
  • Nomor Panggil S22192fk


Efek Pemberian Ekstrak Kedelai Kaya Lunasin terhadap Ekspresi Ki-67 sebagai Penanda Proliferasi Sel Kanker Payudara Tikus yang Diinduksi DMBA
2022 | BY Winda Zalianti Putri - Kusmardi
  • Effect of Administration of Lunasin-Rich Soybean Extract on Ki-67 Expression as a Marker of DMBA-Induced Mouse Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation.
  • Nomor Panggil S22063fk