Hasil Pencarian

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Korelasi Antara Kadar Kalsium Darah dengan Asupan Kalsium Harian Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester Pertama di Jakarta
2015 | BY Annisa Nindiana Pertiwi - Saptawati Bardosono
  • Correlation between Blood Calcium Level and Daily Calcium Intake in 1st Trimester Pregnant Women in Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S 15 027 FK


Hubungan antara Skor Kalsium Arteri Koroner dengan Indeks Remodelling Arterial pada pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo
2019 | BY Syari Maisyarah Rahman - Indrati Suroyo - Sally A. Nasution - Joedo Prihartono
  • Relationship between Coronary Artery Calcium Score and Arterial Remodelling index in Coronary Heart Disease Patient in National centre general hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo.
  • Nomor Panggil T19286fk


Korelasi skor kalsium arteri koronaria dengan ketebalan tunika intima media dan nilai resistive index arteri karotis komunis bilateral dengan menggunakan ultrasonografi Doppler
2014 | BY Idrus Alwi - Gupita Nareswari - Joedo Prihartono - Jacub Pandelaki
  • Correlation between coronary artery calcium score with bilateral common carotid intima media thickness and resistive index using Doppler ultrasonography.
  • Nomor Panggil T14576fk


Hubungan antara Asupan Kalsium dengan Derajat Keparahan Stenosis pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner Laki-laki Dewasa
2014 | BY Wahyu Ika Wardhani - Rachmad Soegih - Ika Prasetya Wijaya
  • Association between Calcium Intake with Severity of Stenosis in Adult Male Coronary Artery Disease Patients
  • Nomor Panggil T14454fk


Perbedaan Kadar Kalsium, Fosfat, Hormon Paratiroid dan Kalsifikasi Vaskular pada Penggunaan Konsentrasi Kalsium Dialisat tinggi dan rendah pada Pasien Hemodialisis di RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo
2014 | BY Maria Riastuti Iryaningrum - Suhardjono - Murdani Abdullah - M. Bonar H. Marbun
  • Comparison of Serum Calcium, Phosphate, Parathyroid hormone levels and Vascular calcification between uses of high and low dose of Calcium Dialysate concentration in hemodialysis patients at Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T14316fk


Hubungan Antara Lesi Litik yang dinilai melalui bone Survey dengan Kadar Kalsium Darah pada Pasien Mieloma Multipel
2014 | BY KHAIRIDA RIANY - Joedo Prihartono - Kardinah - Noorwati Soetandyo
  • The relationship between lytic lesions were assessed through surveys bone with blood calcium levels in patients with multiple myeloma
  • Nomor Panggil T14218fk


Hubungan feritin serum dengan kadar 25- hidroksikolekalsiferol dan kalsium ion pada pasien thalassemia mayor anak usia 7-12 tahun
2021 | BY Betti Danil - Pustika Amalia Wahidiyat - Hartono Gunardi - Aman Bakti Pulungan
  • Correlation between serum ferritin and levels of 25hydroxycholecalciferol and ionized calcium in children with thalassemia major aged 7-12 years.
  • Nomor Panggil T21005fk


Korelasi Calcium Score Arteri Koroner dengan Calcium Score Katup Aorta dan Mitral pada Pasien dengan Atherosklerosis Arteri Koroner
2020 | BY Benedicta Mutiara Suwita - Lusiani - Joedo Prihartono - Indrati Suroyo
  • Correlation Between Coronary Artery Calcium Score with Aortic and Mitral Valve Calcium Score in Patients with Coronary Atherosclerosis.
  • Nomor Panggil T20511fk


Hubungan Kadar Zinc dan Kalsium dalam Serum dan Cairan Folikel dengan Ekspresi mRNA GDF9 terhadap Maturasi Oosit
2020 | BY Budi Wiweko - UPIK ANGGRAHENI - Achmad Kemal Harzif - Indah Suci W
  • Association Between Serum and Follicular Levels of Zinc and Calcium and GDF9 mRNA Expression Towards Maturation of Oocytes.
  • Nomor Panggil T20149fk


Bone Tissue Engineering using Calcium Phosphate for Treating Critical Bone Defects: A Systematic Review, Comparison between Orthotopic and Ectopic Implantation
2020 | BY Hendra Tri Hartono - Rani Septrina - Kristaninta Bangun
  • Rekayasa Jaringan Tulang menggunakan Kalsium Fosfat untuk Menangani Defek Tulang Kritikal: Sebuah Telaah Sistematis, Perbadingan antara Implantasi ortotopik dan ektopik.
  • Nomor Panggil T20399fk