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Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Test of In-Hand Manipulation - Revised ( TIHM-R ) Berbahasa Indonesia Pada Anak Usia 4-7 Tahun
2014 | BY Yuni Ekowati - Lestaria Aryanti - Amendi Nasution - Aria Kekalilh- Validity and Reliability the Indonesian Version of Test of In-Hand Manipulation-Revised (TIHM-R)In Children Ages 4 to 7 years.
- Nomor Panggil T14465fk
Uji Kesahihan dan Keandalan Trunk Control Measurement Scale sebagai Alat Ukur Kontrol Postural pada Penderita Palsi Serebral
2014 | BY TARI MEDIYANTI - Amendi Nasution - Nyoman Murdana - Aria Kekalih- Validity and Reliability of Trunk Control Measurement Scale as a Clinical Tool to Measure Postural Control in Cerebral Palsy
- Nomor Panggil T14127fk
Uji validasi dan reliabilitas instrumen profil sensori singkat untuk anak usia 3-10 tahun
2014 | BY Allan Yudhiatmoko - Adre Mayza - Yetty Ramli - Herqutanto- Validation and reliability study of short sensory profile instrument for children age 3-10 years.
- Nomor Panggil T14010fk