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Studi Korelasi Nisbah Monosit terhadap HDL sebagai Marka Inflamasi terhadap Kadar AMH serta Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya pada Subjek SOPK Nir-Obese
2023 | BY Elisia Atnil - Andon Hestiantoro
  • Correlation of The Monocyte Count to HDL Ratio as Chronic Low Grade Inflammation Marker to AMH and Corresponding Factors in Lean PCOS.
  • Nomor Panggil T23624fk


Karakteristik Subset Monosit CD14,CD16 dan Ekspresi Mediator Inflamasi IL-1 b dan IL-10 Pada Pasien DM Tipe 2 dan Hubungannya dengan Risiko Penyakit Kardiovaskular.
2023 | BY Ujang Saeful Hikmat - Heri Wibowo - Ani Retno Prijanti
  • Characteristic of CD14, CD16 monocyte subset and expression IL-1β, IL-10 inflammatory mediators in T2DM patients and its correlation with cardiovascular disease risks.
  • Nomor Panggil T23076fk


Profil Subset, HLA-DR, dan Sitokin Monosit pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 dan Non Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 dengan Riwayat COVID-19
2023 | BY Dyahati Wahyurini - Heri Wibowo - Dicky Levenus Tahapary
  • Profile of Subset, HLA-DR Expression, and Monocyte Cytokines in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Non-Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Post COVID-19.
  • Nomor Panggil T23545fk


Hubungan antara Jumlah Monosit Absolut, Tumor Associated Macrophage dan Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes terhadap Event Free Survival 2 Tahun pada Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma yang mendapatkan terapi RCHOP
2023 | BY Faisal Syarifuddin - Anna Mira Lubis - Agnes Stephanie Harahap - Hamzah Shatri
  • Correlation between Absolute Monocyte Count, TumorAssociated Macrophage and Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes to Event Free Survival 2 years in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma receiving RCHOP therapy.
  • Nomor Panggil T23336fk


Aktivitas Enzim Lisosom dan Oxygen Burst Makrofag Pasien Tuberkulosis Resisten Obat serta Kaitannya dengan Kemampuan Fagositosis Dibandingkan dengan Tuberkulosis Laten dan Subjek Sehat
2023 | BY Kurnia Maidarmi Handayani - Febriana Catur Iswanti - Raden Rara Diah Handayani
  • The Activity of Lysosome Enzymes and Oxygen Burst Monocyte Derived Macrophages in Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients and Their Relation with Phagocytic Ability Compared to Latent Tuberculosis and Healthy Subject.
  • Nomor Panggil T23268fk


Efek amygdalin, 6-Shogaol, dan resveratrol terhadap penghambatan diferensiasi monosit menjadi makrofag subtipe M4: Studi in silico dan in vitro
2023 | BY Mahdaleny - Febriana Catur Iswanti - Arleni
  • Effects of amygdalin, 6-Shogaol, and resveratrol on differentiation inhibition of M4 macrophage derived monocyte: In silico and in vitro studies.
  • Nomor Panggil T23267fk