Hasil Pencarian

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Anesthesia for Oncological Surgery
2023 | BY Huang, Jeffrey - Huang, Jiapeng - Liu, Henry
  • Nomor Panggil WO 440 H8744 2023


Kombinasi anestesi umum dan spinal dibandingkan anestesi umum terhadap kebutuhan opioid dan kestabilan MAP pada bedah laparoskopi abdomen
2023 | BY Raymond - PRYAMBODHO - Raden Besthadi Sukmono
  • Combined General and Spinal Anesthesia vs. General Anesthesia: Impact on Opioid Requirements and MAP Stability in Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T23500fk


Efektivitas Opioid-Free Anesthesia (OFA) dengan Menggunakan Deksmedetomidin dalam Menghambat Nosisepsi Intrabedah Laparoskopi Abdomen
2023 | BY Anisa Olata - Susilo Chandra - Arif H.M. Marsaban - Aida Rosita Tantri
  • Effectiveness of Opioid-Free Anesthesia (OFA) with Dexmedetomidine in inhibiting intraoperative laparoscopic abdominal nociception.
  • Nomor Panggil T23497fk


Kombinasi Anestesi Umum dan Anestesi Spinal dibandingkan Anestesi Umum dan Blok Transversus Abdominis Plane pada Laparoskopi: Kajian terhadap Nyeri Pascaoperatif, Perubahan Hemodinamik Intraoperatif, dan Masa Pulih
2023 | BY Teddy Kurniawan - Alfan Mahdi Nugroho - Fildza Sasri Peddyandhari - I Dewa Ketut Sidharta
  • Combination of General Anesthesia and Spinal Anesthesia Versus General Anesthesia and Transversus Abdominis Plane Block at Laparoscopy: A Study of Postoperative Pain, Intraoperative Hemodynamic Changes, and Recovery Time.
  • Nomor Panggil T23484fk


Metode Audiovisual Dibandingkan Penjelasan Verbal Sebagai Medium Edukasi untuk Menurunkan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien yang akan Menjalani Anestesia Spinal
2023 | BY Gunawan Sukoco - Alfan Mahdi Nugroho - Anggara Gilang Dwiputra - Dhanasari Vidiawati Sanyoto
  • Audiovisual Method Compared to Verbal Explanation as an Educational Medium to Reduce the Anxiety Level of Patients Undergo Spinal Anesthesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T23398fk


Pengaruh Komponen Anestesi pada Protokol ERAS RSCM terhadap Mobilisasi Dini Pasien yang Menjalani Operasi Kolorektal
2023 | BY Harris Putra Reza - Aldy Heriwardito - Arif H.M. Marsaban
  • Effect of Anesthesia Component of RSCM ERAS Protokol on Early Mobilization in Colorectal Surgery Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T23394fk


Perfusion Index sebagai Prediktor Kejadian Hipotensi Pascaanestesi Spinal pada Bedah Sesar
2023 | BY Alfan Mahdi Nugroho - Fildza Sasri Peddyandhari - Yafet Yanri Sirupang - Filelza Sasri Peddyandhari - Alfan Mahdi Nngroho
  • Perfusion Index as a Predictor of Hypotension Post Spinal Anesthesia in Cesarean Section.
  • Nomor Panggil T23122fk


Magnesium Sulfat Sebagai Adjuvan Anestesia Umum Pada Bedah Laparoskopik Abdomen: Kajian Terhadap Konsumsi Sevofluran dan Rokuronium
2023 | BY Noorcahya Amalia - Ratna Farida Soenarto - Anas Alatas
  • Magnesium Sulfat as Adjuvant for General Anesthesia During Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery : Study of Rocuronium and Sevoflurane Consumption.
  • Nomor Panggil T23107fk


Perbandingan Pemelajaran Berbasis Diskusi Dengan Berbasis Simulasi Menggunakan Aplikasi Gas Man® Terhadap Pengetahuan Ambilan dan Distribusi Anestetik Inhalasi Residen Anestesi
2023 | BY Lalu Muhammad Safrizal Kurnia Ramdhoni - Aldy Heriwardito - Andi Ade Wijaya Ramlan
  • Comparison of Discussion Based and Simulation Based Learning Using the Gas Man® on Knowledge of Uptake and Distribution Inhalation Anesthetics of Anesthesia Resident.
  • Nomor Panggil T22485fk