Hasil Pencarian

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Pengaruh Daun Annona Muricata Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Perubahan Histopatologi Hepar Mencit Galur Swiss Webster yang Diinduksi Aloksan
2020 | BY Bunga Cecilia Sinaga - Supri Irianti Handayani
  • The Effect of Annona Muricata Leaves on Change of Histopathology of Hepar and Blood Glucose Levels Scratching Swiss Webster Structured by Alloxant.
  • Nomor Panggil S20107fk


Ekspresi Interferon-γ dan Interleukin-10 terhadap Stimulasi Purified Protein Derivative pada Kultur Darah Ibu Hamil yang Terinfeksi Blastocystis
2020 | BY Amirah Yasmin - Heri Wibowo
  • The Expression of Interferon-γ and Interleukin-10 in a Purified Protein Derivative-Stimulated Blood Culture of Pregnant Women Infected With Blastocystis.
  • Nomor Panggil S20004fk


Peran Inflamasi dan Apoptosis terhadap Jejas Jantung/ Pembuluh Darah pada Preeklamsia Awitan Dini dan Lanjut: Kajian terhadap NF- Kß, PARP-1, TUNEL dan Cyclophilin A.
2020 | BY Novi Resistantie - Noroyono Wibowo - Damar Prasmusinto - Ali Sungkar - Nurjati Chairani Siregar - Joedo Prihartono
  • The Role of Inflammation and Apoptosis Impact on Cardiovascular Injury in Early Onset and Late Onset Preeclampsia: Study on NF- Kß, PARP-1, TUNEL assay and Cyclophilin A.
  • Nomor Panggil D20011fk


Kajian genotipe antigen sel darah merah donor sebagai upaya optimalisasi pemberian transfusi darah yang serasi: thalassemia sebagai model.
2020 | BY Ria Syafitri Evi Gantini - Abdul Salam M. Sofro - Djajadiman Gatot - Yuyun SM Soedarmono
  • Investigating the role of donor red blood cell antigen genotyping in blood group optimize matching for regular transfusion practices: Thalassemia patients as a model.
  • Nomor Panggil D20006fk


Nilai Rasio Neutrofil-Limfosit (RNL) darah dan kadar Protein C- Reaktif (CRP) pasien Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (PPOK) pada kondisi eksaserbasi dan stabil di Rumah Sakit Persahabatan
2020 | BY Astari Pranindya Sari - Wahju Aniwidyaningsih - Ratnawati
  • Neutrophyl – Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) and C – Reactive Protein (CRP) in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients during exacerbation and stable in Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta Indonesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T20478fk


Peran Rasio Imatur/Total Neutrofil, Rasio Neutrofil Limfosit, Dan Eritrosit Berinti Darah Tali Pusat dalam Memprediksi Keluaran Buruk Jangka Pendek Neonatus
2020 | BY Sunny Orlena - R. Adhi Teguh Perma Iskandar - Diana Aulia - Suzanna Immanuel
  • The Role of Immature/Total Neutrophil Ratio, Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio, and Nucleated Red Blood Cell Umbilical Cord Blood in Predicting Neonatal Short-term Adverse Outcomes.
  • Nomor Panggil T20489fk


Associations of diet quality with blood pressure level and blood glucose level among pregnant women in Jakarta
2020 | BY Rima Irwinda - Rina Agustina - Deviana Ayushinta Sani Siregar
  • Hubungan antara kualitas diet dengan tekanan darah dan gula darah pada ibu hamil di Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil T20008fk


Pengaruh latihan interval intensitas tinggi terhadap kadar laktat darah dan tingkat usaha pada dewasa sehat sedentary
2020 | BY Nur Ahlina Damayanti - Nury Nusdwinuringtyas - Tresia Fransiska Uliana Tambunan - Aria Kekalih
  • Effect of high intensity interval training on blood lactate levels and rate of percieved exertion in sedentary healthy adults.
  • Nomor Panggil T20214fk


Efek Intermittent dan Prolonged Fasting Terhadap Ekspansi, Proliferasi, dan Diferensiasi Sel Punca Mesenkimal Darah Perifer dan Sumsum Tulang Pada Kelinci New Zealand White
2020 | BY Ali Abdullah - Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo - Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto
  • Effect of Intermittent and Prolonged Fasting on Expansion, Proliferation, and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cell from Pheripheral Blood and Bone Marrow on New Zealand White Rabbit.
  • Nomor Panggil T20234fk


Pengaruh Laser Akupunktur di Titik Ex-B3 Weiwanxiashu terhadap Gambaran Histologi Pankreas dan Kadar Gula Darah Model Tikus Diabetes Tipe 2
2020 | BY Yoshua Viventius - Ahmad Aulia Jusuf - Christina L. Sinadibrata
  • The Effect Of Laser Acupuncture At Ex-B3 Weiwanxiashu Point On Histology Findings Of Pancreas And Blood Sugar Levels In Type 2 Diabetes Rats Model.
  • Nomor Panggil T20255fk