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The biomechanics method for corrective exercise
2019 | BY Price, Justin
  • Nomor Panggil WB 541 P9451 2019


Perbandingan Pullout Strength Sekrup Pedikel Antara Lintasan Konvensional, Lintasan Kortikal Infero-Superior, Dan Lintasan Kortikal Supero-Inferior Pada Lumbal Babi Yorkshire: Suatu Studi Biomekanik
2019 | BY Rizky Priambodo Wisnubaroto - S. Dohar Al Tobing
  • Pedicle Screw Pullout Strength Comparison Between Conventional Pedicle Screw Trajectory, Cortical InferoSuperior Trajectory, And Cortical Supero-Inferior Trajectory In Yorkshire Lumbar Porcine: A Biomechanical Study.
  • Nomor Panggil T19190fk