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Pengaruh pemberian asam askorbat 6 gram terhadap perubahan kadar Interleukin-6, C-Reactive Protein, dan skor SOFA pada pasien sepsis dan syok sepsis di ruang perawatan intensif
2019 | BY Andriamuri Primaputra Lubis - Adhrie Sugiarto - Amir S. Madjid- Effect of the administration of 6 grams of ascorbic acid towards the changes of Interleukin-6 levels, C-Reactive Protein levels, and SOFA scores in septic and septic shock patients in intensive care unit.
- Nomor Panggil T19511fk
Korelasi Skor Dietary Inflammatory Index Ibu Laktasi dengan Kadar Hight Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Serum dan Air Susu Ibu 3-6 bulan post partum di Jakarta
2019 | BY Karin Wiradarma - Ninik Mudjihartini - Diana Sunardi- Correlation between Dietary Inflammatory Index Score with Serum and Breast Milk C-Reactive Protein in 3-6 Months Post Partum Lactating Mothers in Jakarta.
- Nomor Panggil T19321fk
Hubungan tebal otot dan inflamasi terhadap lama penggunaan ventilator pada pasien kritis : penelitian pada tebal diafragma luas penampang otot rektus femoris, otot bisep brakii dan kadar CRP
2019 | BY Bram Kilapong - Dita Aditianingsih - Rudyanto Sedono - Adhrie Sugiarto - Thariqah Salamah- Relationship among muscle thickness, inflammation and duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients : study on diaphragm, rectus femoris and biceps brachii muscle and blood C-Reactive Protein.
- Nomor Panggil T19159fk