Hasil Pencarian

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Perbedaan Kadar IgA pada Daerah Kumuh dan Nonkumuh serta Hubungannya dengan Rasio Albumin terhadap Globulin
2018 | BY Hanin - Heri Wibowo
  • The Difference of IgA Level on People Living in Slum and Non-slum Area and Its Association to Albumin Globulin Ratio.
  • Nomor Panggil S18191fk


Peran Ekspresi MicroRNA-21 terhadap Densitas Mineral Tulang pada Perempuan Osteoporosis Pascamenopause Hipoestrogenik: Kajian terhadap Konsentrasi RANKL, OPG, TGF-β1, Sklerostin, Rasio RANKL/OPG dan Aktivitas Fisis.
2018 | BY I Nyoman Suarjana - Pradana Soewondo - Harry Isbagio
  • The Role of Serum Expression Levels of MicroRNA-21 on Bone Mineral Density in Hypostrogenic Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis: Study on Level of RANKL, OPG, TGFβ-1, Sclerostin, RANKL/OPG Ratio and Physical Activity.
  • Nomor Panggil D18009fk


Hubungan Antara Perubahan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Perubahan Rasio Platelet-Limfosit Pada Pasien Kanker Payudara yang Menjalani Kemoterapi
2018 | BY Joy Samuel Saragih - Andhika Rachman
  • Relationship between Changes in Body Mass Index and Changes in Platelet-Lymphocyte Ratio among Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Chemotherapy.
  • Nomor Panggil S18081fk


Hubungan Perubahan Status Indeks Masa Tubuh dengan Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio pada Kanker Payudara
2018 | BY Denny Grecius Siregar - Andhika Rachman
  • Relationship between Body Mass Index Status Change with Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Breast Cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil S18007fk


Hubungan Metastasis Kanker Payudara Pasien Overweight/Obesitas terhadap Rasio Platelet-Limfosit
2018 | BY Alexander Kelvyn Kristianto - Andhika Rachman
  • Relationship between Metastasis to Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Overweight/Obese Breast Cancer Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S18004fk


Perbandingan Gambaran Radiografi Toraks Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru disertai Komorbid Diabetes Mellitus yang Terkontrol dan Tidak Terkontrol dengan Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru Non Diabetes Mellitus (Kajian Berdasarkan Nilai Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio)
2018 | BY Putu Utami Dewi - Vally Wulani - Telly Kamelia - Joedo Prihartono
  • Comparison of Chest Radiograph between Lung Tuberculosis Patient with Controlled and Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus and Lung Tuberculosis Patients without Diabetes Mellitus (Study based on Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio).
  • Nomor Panggil T18526fk


Hubungan antara rasio asupan asam lemak omega-6/ omega-3 dengan kadar malondialdehid plasma pada osteoartritis lutut
2018 | BY Sheena R Angelia - Ninik Mudjihartini - Nurul Ratna Mutu Manikam
  • Association between the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid intake and malondialdehyde plasma levels in knee osteoarthritis patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T18245fk


Kesesuaian Hasil Ultrasonografi Elastografi Metode Strain Ratio dengan Metode 5-Point Color Scale Pada Tumor Payudara
2018 | BY Tia Bonita - Sawitri Darmiati - Joedo Prihartono - diani karti
  • Suitability of Elastographic Ultrasound Results between Strain Ratio and 5-Point Color Scale Method on Breast Tumors.
  • Nomor Panggil T18209fk


Hubungan cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) dengan fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri hasil dari pemeriksaan cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) pada pasien gagal jantung disfungsi sisistolik ventrikel kiri
2018 | BY Chairunnisa - Retno Dwi Astuti - Celly Anantaria - Joedo Prihartono
  • Correlation between cardiothorasic ratio (CTR) and left ventricular ejection fraction from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patient with left ventricular systolic heart failure.
  • Nomor Panggil T18447fk


Rasio Neutrofil-Limfosit sebagai Prediktor Mortalitas 28 Hari pada Pasien Sepsis
2018 | BY Irene Purnamawati - Lie Khie Chen - Ikhwan Rinaldi - Sukamto Koesnoe
  • Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictor of 28-Day-Mortality in Septic Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T18401fk