Hasil Pencarian

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Pigmentary Skin Disorders / edited by Prasad Kumarasinghe
2018 | BY Kumarasinghe, Prasad
  • Nomor Panggil WR 265 K9639 2018


Uji Aktivitas Insektisida Ekstrak Kulit Manggis (Garcinia mangostana) yang mengandung Nanokomposit Perak Titanium Dioksida (Ag-TiO2) terhadap Larva dan Nyamuk Dewasa Aedes Aegypti
2018 | BY Alfrizan Imaro Finekri Abidin - Rizal Subahar
  • Insecticidal Activity Test of Mangosteen Skin Extract (Garcinia mangostana) containing Silver Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposite (Ag-TiO2) on Larvae and Mosquitoes of Aedes Aegypti.
  • Nomor Panggil S18194fk


Hubungan Hasil Uji Tuberkulin dengan Jenis Tuberkulosis pada Anak dengan Tuberkulosis Paru dan Ekstraparu
2018 | BY Kinanta Imanda - Nastiti Kaswandani
  • Association Between Tuberculin Skin Test Result and Type of Tuberculosis in Children with Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis.
  • Nomor Panggil S18072fk


Modifikasi Preparasi Platelet Rich Fibrin dalam Mempercepat Epitelisasi Luka Donor Pada Pasca Panen Tandur Kulit
2018 | BY Mirta Hediyati Reksodiputro - Saptawati Bardosono - TRIMARTANI - Hemastia Manuhara Harba’i - Alida R Harahap
  • Preparation Modification of Platelet Rich Fibrin Enhance Wound Epithelialization in Skin Graft Donor Site.
  • Nomor Panggil T18391fk


Perbandingan proporsi perbaikan derajat kekeringan kulit pada penggunaan sabun mandi berpelembap (synthetic detergent) dan sabun mandi bayi (superfatted soap) pada populasi lanjut usia dengan xerosis cutis
2018 | BY Rika Andriani - Wresti Indriatmi - Windy Keumala Budianti
  • Comparison of the proportion of skin dryness improvement in the use of moisturizing soap (synthetic detergent) and baby soap (superfatted soap) in elderly with xerosis cutis.
  • Nomor Panggil T18265fk


Efek 5-Fluorouracil topikal terhadap apoptosis dan proliferasi pada lesi prakanker sel skuamosa kulit mencit yang diinduksi DMBA
2018 | BY Siti Nurkasanah - Aida SD Hoemardani - Puspita Eka Wuyung
  • The effect of topical 5-Fluorouracil on apoptosis and proliferation in skin squamous cell precancerous lession of mice induced by DMBA .
  • Nomor Panggil T18263fk


Skin prick test dalam diagnosis penyakit alergi / Iris Rengganis
2018 | BY Iris Rengganis
  • Nomor Panggil QW 501 I682 2018


Treatment of skin disease : comprehensive therapeutic strategies 5th edition
2018 | BY Mark G. Lebwohl - Warren R. Heymann - John Berth-Jones - Ian H. Coulson
  • Nomor Panggil WR 140 M345 2018


Treatment of Skin Disease: Comprehensive Therapeutic Strategies/Fifth edition.
2018 | BY Mark G. Lebwohl - Warren R. Heymann - John Berth-Jones - Ian Coulson
  • Nomor Panggil WR 140 L454 2018


Atlas of Leprosy "Clinical manifestations and deformities of the eye, skin and extremities, / Yuni Irawati dan 2 pengarang lainnya
2018 | BY Sri Linuwih S. W. Menaldi - Luh Karunia Wahyuni
  • Nomor Panggil WR 143 Y956 2018