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Keamanan, Efektivitas, dan Kemamputerapan Larutan Tumescent One-per-Mil Berkadar Epinefrin Satu per Satu Juta dan Lidokain 0,2% dalam Operasi Bedah Tangan dan Ekstremitas Atas Tanpa Turniket: Studi Eksperimental dan Uji Klinis.
2018 | BY Theddeus Octavianus Hari Prasetyono - Chaula L. Sukasah - Franciscus D. Suyatna - Darto Satoto
  • The Safety, Efficacy and Applicability of One-per-Mil Tumescent Solution Containing One per Million Epinephrine and 0.2% Lidocaine in Surgery for the Hand and Upper Extremity without Tourniquet: Experimental and Clinical Studies.
  • Nomor Panggil D18030fk


Factors Affecting Hand Hygiene Compliance in the Perinatology Ward of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.
2018 | BY Afiah Salsabila - Hindra Irawan Satari
  • Nomor Panggil S18178fk


Perbandingan Efektivitas Peregangan Statik Dan Peregangan Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Terhadap Outcome Latihan Penguatan Isotonik Otot Kuadrisep Dan Hamstring Pada Pasien Osteoartritis Lutut
2018 | BY Angela B.M.Tulaar - Peggy - C. Martine Rumende - Nyoman Murdana
  • The Comparison of The Effectiveness Between Static Stretching and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching to The Outcome of Isotonic Strengthening Exercise of Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscle In Knee Osteoarthritis Patient.
  • Nomor Panggil T18207fk


Potensi Efek Tumesen pada Penyuntikan dengan Teknik Tumesen untuk Menghambat Konduksi Saraf tanpa Penggunaan Zat Anestesi Lokal
2018 | BY Aida Rosita Tantri - Johannes Albert Biben - Theddeus O.H. Prasetyono
  • The Potential of Tumescence Effect Created by Tumescent Injection Technique to Block Nerve Conduction without the Use of Local Anesthesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T18137fk


Analisis Hubungan Kepatuhan Cuci Tangan Dengan Beban Kerja Perawat di Rumah Sakit S
2018 | BY Sri Habibah Sari Melati - Aria Kekalih - liem Jen Fuk
  • Analysis Of Hand Hygiene Compliance Related To Nurse’s Workload At S Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T18073fk


Efektivitas Pelembap Gliserin 10% dalam Vaselin Album untuk Pencegahan Sekunder terhadap Dermatitis Kontak di Tangan pada Tenaga Bongkar Muat di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa
2018 | BY Dhita Octriani - Aria Kekalih - Windy Keumala Budianti
  • Effectiveness of Glycerin 10% in Vaseline Album for Secondary Prevention of Hand Contact Dermatitis among Loading Dock Workers at Port Sunda Kelapa.
  • Nomor Panggil T18049fk


Ultrasonography of the Hand in Rheumatology
2018 | BY Peter Vince Balint - Peter Mandl
  • Nomor Panggil WE 544 B186 2018