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Pengaruh Terapi Akupunktur Manual terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid (MDA) dan Skor Numeric Analog Scale (NAS) pada Penderita Kanker Kepala dan Leher Pasca Terapi Radiasi
2018 | BY Lilis - Adiningsih Srilestari - Sri Mutya Sekarutami - Kemas Abdurrohim
  • The Effect of Manual Acupuncture Therapy on Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Numeric Analog Scale (NAS) Score in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer after Radiotherapy.
  • Nomor Panggil T18194fk


Efek Akupunktur terhadap Perbaikan Skor Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) pada Pasien Geriatri dengan Insomnia
2018 | BY Griselda Tanumas - Adiningsih Srilestari - Hasan Mihardja - Arya Govinda Roosheroe
  • Effect of Acupuncture on Improvement of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) Score on Geriatric Patients with Insomnia.
  • Nomor Panggil T18193fk


Efek Akupunktur Tanam Benang dan Transcutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (TTNS) terhadap Volume Berkemih, Nilai Post Void Residual (PVR), Qmax, dan Skor Kualitas Hidup Penderita Detrusor Underactivity (DU)
2018 | BY Harrina E. Rahardjo - Edith Anggina - Adiningsih Srilestari - Ira Mistivani - Christina Lanny Simadibrata
  • The Effect of Thread-Embedding Acupuncture and Transcutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (TTNS) in Voided Volume, Post Void Residual (PVR), Qmax, and Quality of life scoring changes of Detrusor Underactivity (DU) Patients
  • Nomor Panggil T18122fk


Pengaruh Press Needle pada Titik Telinga MA-IC3 Endocrine, MA- AT4 Subcortex dan MA-TF1 Shenmen terhadap Kadar Estradiol dan Quality of Life (QoL) pada Pasien Menopause
2018 | BY Vera Susanti - Adiningsih Srilestari - Christina Simadibrata - R. Muharam
  • The Effect of Press Needle on MA-IC3 Endocrine, MA-AT4 Subcortex and MA-TF1 Shenmen on Estradiol Rate and Quality of Life (QoL) in Menopause Patient.
  • Nomor Panggil T18009fk


Pengaruh Akupunktur Terhadap Kadar High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Dalam Memproteksi Hepar Pada Tikus Wistar Dengan Drug Induced Liver Injury Tipe Steatosis Akibat Isoniazid dan Rifampisin
2018 | BY Sarah Kusumawati - Christina Simadibrata - Adiningsih Srilestari - Atikah C. Barasila
  • The Effects of Acupuncture on High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Level In Protecting Liver In Wistar Rats With Drug Induced Liver Injury Steatosis Type From Isoniazid and Rifampicin.
  • Nomor Panggil T18043fk


Peran Laserpunktur Terhadap Visual Analogue Scale dan Indeks Disabilitas Oswestry pada Pasien Nyeri Punggung Bawah Kronik
2018 | BY Michael Wijaya Kosasih - Adiningsih Srilestari - Mohammad Kurniawan - Christina Simadibrata
  • The Role of Laser Acupuncture on Visual Analogue Scale and Oswestry Disability Index in Chronic Low Back Pain.
  • Nomor Panggil T18092fk


Efektifitas Terapi Kombinasi Akupunktur Manual dan Medikamentosa Terhadap Perubahan Skor Quality of Life dan Supresi Hematopoietik Pada Pasien Kanker Payudara yang Mendapat Kemoterapi
2018 | BY Nina Riana Haryoko - Christina Simadibrata - Adiningsih Srilestari - Erwin Danil Yulian
  • Effectiveness Combination Therapy Manual Acupuncture and Medicamentous in Changes of Quality of Life Score and myelosuppression In Breast Cancer Patients Which Received Chemotherapy .
  • Nomor Panggil T18022fk


Efektifitas Terapi Kombinasi Akupunktur Manual dan Medikamentosa Terhadap Perubahan Skor Numeric Analog Scale, Supresi Imunitas Pada Penderita Kanker Payudara Yang Mendapat Kemoterapi
2018 | BY Zulhafiz Mufti Agung - Adiningsih Srilestari - Christina Simadibrata - Erwin Danil Yulian
  • Effectiveness Combination Therapy Manual Acupuncture and Medication On Changes of Numeric Analog Scale scores, Immune Suppression In Breast Cancer Patients Which Received Chemotherapy .
  • Nomor Panggil T18017fk