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Fascia dartos abnormal pada buried penis dan hipospadia: bukti dari histopatologi
2017 | BY Irfan Wahyudi - Widi Atmoko - Budiana Tanurahardja - Arry Rodjani- Abnormal dartos fascia in buried penis and hypospadias: evidence from histopathology.
- Nomor Panggil T17238fk
Mega Preputium Kongenital: Teknik Pembedahan dengan Eksisi Dartos
2017 | BY Her Bayu Widyasmara - Irfan Wahyudi - Andre Yudha Alfanius Hutahaean- Congenital Megaprepuce: Surgical Approach With Dartos Excision.
- Nomor Panggil T17247fk