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Hubungan antara Pola Asupan dengan Marker Inflamasi Usus Fecal Calprotectin pada Anak Prasekolah Kelebihan Berat Badan dan Obesitas di Jakarta
2016 | BY Fatima Safira Alatas - Rina Agustina - Sri Rizki
  • Association between Dietary Pattern and Gut Inflammation Marker Fecal Calprotectin among Overweight and Obese Preschool Children in Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 351 FK


Komposisi bakteri usus besar dan hubungannya dengan kejadian relaps sindrom nefrotik idiopatik anak.
2016 | BY Sudung O. Pardede - Taralan Tambunan - Alida R. Harahap - Partini P. Trihono
  • Bacterial composition of the colon and its relation with relapse idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in children.
  • Nomor Panggil D16005fk