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Korelasi antara Tekanan Akhir Diastolik Ventrikel Sistemik Sebelum Operasi Fontan Ekstrakardiak Konduit dengan Lama Efusi Pleura sesudah Operasi dan Lama Rawat
2016 | BY Budhi Setianto - Rahmalia Gusdina - Poppy S. Roebiono - Indriwanto Sakidjan
  • Correlation Between Systemic Ventricle End Diastolic Pressure Before Fontan Extracardiac Conduit Operation with Post Operative Pleural Effusion Duration and Length of Stay.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 313 FK


Penggunaan Kateter Intrapleura (Water Sealed Drainage, Indwelling Pleural Catheter Dan Pigtail Catheter) Pada Penatalaksanaan Kanker Paru Dengan Efusi Pleura Masif
2016 | BY Tamam Anugrah Tamsil - Elisna Syahruddin - Dicky Soehardiman
  • The Use Of Intrapleural Catheter (Water Sealed Drainage, Indwelling Pleural Catheter And Pigtail Catheter) For Treatment Of Lung Cancer With Massive Pleural Effusion.
  • Nomor Panggil T16328FK


Perbandingan Profil Adenosin Deaminase dan Analisis Cairan Pleura dalam Mendiagnosis Kepositifan Penyakit Tuberkulosis dan Non-Tuberkulosis pada Pasien dengan Efusi Pleura di RSUP Persahabatan
2016 | BY Sita Laksmi Andarini - Garinda Alma Duta - Ika Priatni - RR. Diah Handayani
  • The Profile Comparasion of Adenosin Deaminase and Pleural Fluid Analysist in the diagnosis of Tuberculosis (TB) and non-TB on Subjects with Pleural Effusion at Persahabatan Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T16326FK