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Dasar Pengembangan Vaksin Kontrasepsi Pria: Kloning dan Ekspresi Protein Rekombinan hVDAC3 (human Voltage Dependent Anion Channel 3) untuk Produksi Antibodi Poliklonal.
2015 | BY ASMARINAH - Purnomo Soeharso - T.Susmiarsih - Endang Winiati Bachtiar
  • A Basis for Development of Male Contraceptive Vaccine: Cloning and Expression of hVDAC3 (human Voltage Dependent Anion Channel 3) Recombinant Protein to Produce It’s Polyclonal Antibodies.
  • Nomor Panggil D15014fk


Karakterisasi Aktivitas Degradasi Biofilm pada Escherichia coli Pengekspresi Gen Fusi Alfa Amilase (MalS) dan Sinyal Sekresi Hemolisin A (HlyA) Rekombinan
2015 | BY Gede Yuda Sugiarta - Budiman Bela
  • Characterization of Biofilm Degradation Activity of Escherichia coli Expressing Recombinant Alpha Amylase (MalS) and Hemolysin A Secretion Signal (HlyA) Fusion Gene.
  • Nomor Panggil S15248FK


Purifikasi Antibodi Poliklonal Anti VDAC3 (Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 3) Rekombinan dan Evaluasi Pengaruhnya terhadap Sperma Manusia
2015 | BY ASMARINAH - Putri Rahayu Ratri - Dwi Ari Pujianto
  • Purification of Antibody Anti- VDAC3 (Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 3) Recombinant And Evaluation of Effect to Human Sperm.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 541 FK


Produksi antibodi poliklonal anti-protein rekombinan Voltage Dependent Anion Channel-3 (VDAC3) terpurifikasi dan efeknya terhadap motilitas dan viabilitas sperma manusia
2015 | BY ASMARINAH - Amalia Shari - Dwi Ari Pujianto
  • Production of polyclonal antibody anti purified Voltage Dependent Anion Channel-3 (VDAC3) recombinant and its effects on human sperm motility and viability.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 540 FK


Isolasi, Purifikasi, dan Studi Imunogenitas Protein Rekombinan Resucitation Promoting Factor B (RpfB) Mycobacterium tuberculosis secara Invitro pada Splenosit Mencit
2015 | BY Burhannuddin - Andriansjah Rukmana - Fithriyah
  • Isolation, Purification, and Immunogenicity of Resucitation Promoting Factor B (RpfB) recombinant protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on Mice Splenocytes.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 261 FK


Konstruksi Baculovirus rekombinan penyandi protein pembentuk virus-like particle H5N1 menggunakan green fluorescent protein sebagai penanda
2015 | BY Debie Rizqoh - Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas - Fera Ibrahim
  • Construction of H5N1 virus-like protein encoding recombinant Baculovirus using green fluorescent protein as a marker. (Closed)
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 064 FK


Ekspresi Protein Fusi Hemagglutinin 1, Matriks 2, dan Non Struktural 1 (HA1-MA2-NS1) Influenza A H1N1 pdm09 Rekombinan untuk Pengembangan Vaksin Sub Unit
2015 | BY Heri Wibowo - Ellen Maidia Djatmiko - Andi Yasmon
  • Expression fusion protein Hemagglutinin 1, Matrix 2, Non-Structural 1 (HA1-MA2-NS1) recombinant Influenza A H1N1 pdm09 for development of subunit vaccines
  • Nomor Panggil T15043FK