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Luaran Fungsi Penglihatan Pasca Operasi Transfenoid Pasien Adenoma Hipofisis di Departemen Bedah Saraf FKUI-RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta Tahun 2012 – 2014
2015 | BY M. Deni Nasution - Samsul Ashari - Renindra Ananda Aman - Syaiful Ichwan
  • Visual Function Outcomes Post Transphenoidal Surgery of Pituitary Adenoma in Neurosurgery Department, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia - Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta from 2012 - 2014.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 159 FK


Evaluasi Derajat Nyeri Dengan Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) Pada Kasus Nyeri Punggung Bagian Bawah (Low Back Pain) yang Mendapat Intervensi Nyeri Di Departemen Bedah Saraf RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta Tahun 2012 -2014
2015 | BY Renindra Ananda Aman - Ridwan Kamal - David Tandian - M. Saekhu
  • Evaluation of Degrees of Pain With the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) In Case Lower back pain (Low Back Pain) who gets Intervention Pain in the Department of Neurosurgery Cipto Mangunkusumo In 2012 -2014.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 154 FK


Efek Perbedaan Volume Tidal Ventilasi Mekanik Perioperatif Terhadap Rasio PaO2/FiO2 Pascaoperasi Kraniotomi Elektif
2015 | BY Yoshua Baktiar - Dita Aditianingsih - Rudyanto Sedono
  • Effect of Tidal Volume in Perioperative Mechanical Ventilation to Postoperative PaO2/FiO2 Ratio in Elective Craniotomy Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 148 FK


Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosugery 3rd Edition
2015 | BY A. L eland Albr ight - Ian F. Pollack - P. Dav id Adelson
  • Nomor Panggil WS 340