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Perubahan ekspresi protein penaut endotel kapiler pada hipoksia plasenta : upaya untuk memahami perubahan permeabilitas endotel kapiler pada bayi prematur dengan perdarahan intraventrikel.
2015 | BY Mohamad Sadikin - Nani Dharmasetiawani - Maria Ekawati - Sriwidia A Jusman
  • Protein junction expression changes of capillary endothelium due to placental hypoxia : an effort to understand endothelial permeablity in premature infants with intraventricular hemorrhage.
  • Nomor Panggil D15026fk


Uji Klinis Awal Kelayakan Alat InPress untuk Mengatasi Perdarahan Pascasalin karena Atonia Uteri
2015 | BY WIDYASTUTI - Yuditiya Purwosunu
  • Feasibility Clinical Investigation using the InPress Device for the Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage Due To Uterine Atonia.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 534 FK


Hubungan trombositopenia dan perdarahan intraventrikular pada bayi usia gestasi < 35 minggu
2015 | BY Idha Yulandari - Muzal Kadim - Lily Rundjan
  • The relationship between thrombocytopenia and intraventricular hemorrhage in a baby with gestational age < 35 weeks.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 114 FK